Meeting Minutes | October 3, 2012

Attendees: Chelsea Shriver, Nadia Stennes-Spidahl, Nora Kitchen, Alice MacGougan, Matt Ruen, Elspeth Olson, Nick Josten, Layla Naquin, Katie Hughes, Ariel Deardorff, Amber Saundry, Kaitlyn Sparks.

1. Approval of September 19 meeting minutes

  • Minutes were approved, and it was determined that members do not mind having their attendance noted in the minutes that appear on the blog.

2. Elections for ALA@UBC executive offices

  • Jason Korff submitted his name for treasurer via email and was elected to the post in absentia. There were no nominations for the position of co-chair or other positions.
  • Members are encouraged to send Elspeth an email if they would like to be considered for a position or if there is a position that they would be interested in creating on the executive committee.

3. Banned Books Week event

  • Because of the short amount of time to organize an event for Banned Books Week, Kaitlyn proposed a virtual readout of “And Tango Makes Three.”  This involves making a video of different people reading a book that has been banned.
  • Once submitted to ALA, it takes them 72 hours to post the video on their website, and submissions must be done through YouTube. It can also be posted to the ALA@UBC blog
  • Readers are encouraged to wear their ALA t-shirt. Readers can record themselves (i.e., in PhotoBooth on a Mac) and submit the file to Kaitlyn via Skype or Dropbox.
  • Kaitlyn will keep the book “And Tango Makes Three” in her box at SLAIS for people to access.  Readers should make a note of the pages they read so that the next person knows where to pick up.
  • SLAIS has two cameras available to use, if you would like to borrow one to record your reading.
  • Kaitlyn would like to submit the video by Friday, October 5, so please record your reading and submit it to her by Friday evening.
  • ALA@UBC could possibly do something for Freedom to Read Week (Canadian equivalent of Banned Books Week) in February. Kaitlyn won’t be here next term, but another member can pick up management of the event.  We can get in touch with VPL about coordinating a Freedom to Read “read out.” Perhaps we could invite the Seattle ALA chapter to participate.

4. ALA t-shirts

  • Members should pick up / pay for their t-shirts.
  • It was discussed whether the club wants to order t-shirts for new members and perhaps have a new t-shirt design contest.
  • This might be of interest if the purchase could be managed differently (members responsible for placing orders for their individual t-shirts through or other site).
  • Chelsea will send a “last call for t-shirts” email saying that any t-shirts not picked up by next Friday, October 12, will be made available to other ALA members.

 5. Other business 

  • UW/UBC ALA club meet-up: This is an idea held over from last year.
    • Inter-club involvement during Freedom to Read Week is a good idea as it gives some reason for collaboration.
    • A possible meet-up during the mid-winter meeting is also a possibility.
    • Specific ideas for how the two clubs might collaborate would be helpful.
    • Elspeth will get information from Mary about where conversations between UBC and UW clubs left off.
  • Elspeth will look into getting a SLAIS locker for the group.
  • Nick will talk to ASIST about collaborating on an International Game Day event.
  • Mid-winter ALA meeting:
    • Early-bird registration is still up until November.
    • Ariel’s dad is a librarian in Seattle, and she will talk to him about the midwinter ALA meeting and whether it would be useful for ALA@UBC members to go.
  • Announcements: ASIST’s first “Cool Tools for School” session is next Tuesday, October 9, from 12-1 p.m. in Terrace Lab.  Tools will be demonstrated from 12:00-12:30 p.m. and Connect will be demonstrated from 12:30 to 1:00 p.m. There is no need to register and there will be coffee and Timbits!

 6. Next meeting

  • The next meeting will be Wednesday, October 24, at 11 a.m. in the Trail Room.

Meeting Minutes | 27 September 2011

ALA Student Chapter Meeting Agenda | 27 September 2011
Noon | Trail Room @ SLAIS

1. Attendance:

Yolanda Bustos
Layla Naquin
Chelsea Shriver
Lindsey Krabbenhoft
Sarah Fallik
Morgan Barnes
Kaitlyn Sparks
Mary Jinglewski
Morgan Gariepy
Chelsea DiFrancesco
Lindsay McFarlane
Tracey Vantyghem
Ebony Magnus
Elspeth Olson
Jennifer Pappas
Judith Guzman-Montes

2. ALA news and events:

Alpha Delap, the ALA New Member Roundtable SASCO liaison, contacted Eric about New Member Roundtable/ Student and Student Chapter Outreach. We’ll give her contact information for our new officers.

She’s also interested in having a joint UW/ UBC ALA event in spring. She and Eric will/ have talked about this (Eric says they’re “peeps”) and he’ll check in soon with officers to let them know what they have in mind and the student group can start planning for the Spring event. (Possibly centered around a speaker, with the UW ALA student chapter coming up for a visit)

Eric also talked about ALA co-sponsoring colloquia events. What this means for our group is that we would be responsible for promoting the colloquia and generating excitement amongst our peers. There is no financial obligation from ALA, and we don’t get to pick the colloquia speaker, but the colloquium committee does a really great job of getting fantastic speakers in. (And if you really want to sit on the committee, every winter term 2 the position becomes available through LASSA.) We agreed we’d love to support the colloquium series. Additionally, Eric mentioned that there is a special luncheon-with-the-speaker opportunity for one student for some of the colloquia. So, that’s REALLY exciting. Details on that to follow.

3. Voting:

Yolanda opened the floor for nominations and went over the positions and duties.

Voting took place by a show of support if the seat was uncontested. The only contested position was voted on by secret ballot. All nominees were allowed to speak briefly on their qualifications and Eric counted the ballots.

The results:
Co-Chair: Mary Jinglewski <>
Co-Chair: Elspeth Olson <>
Treasurer: Jennifer Pappas<>
Webmaster/Communications Officer: Layla Naquin <>
Secretary: Chelsea Shriver <>

Congratulations on your new positions and thank you to everybody who showed interest. Our charter stipulates that additional committees and positions (to help spread the workload) can be made as necessary, so we very well could need more help in the future, especially if our student group stays fairly large.

New reps: someone who held your position last year (hopefully) will get a hold of you soon to show you the ropes and get you oriented. It’s pretty straightforward, but encouraging words are always nice, right? If no one gets a hold of you, I am always available to help you figure things out.

4. Next Meeting:

Date and time?
The next meeting is Tuesday October 11th at Noon in the Trail Room (or a location tba via Chelsea S) We agreed that Tuesdays at noon work well for us and we will continue to meet once monthly (more as needed) at this time. Chelsea S. will book the trail again with Kiki for that date. If we have a larger turn out next meeting, then we’ll try a bigger room, but for now, we’ll see how it goes. The meeting information must also be updated on the blog, Google student calendar on the SLAIS page and the kitchenette calendar. (Chelsea S. and Layla can work out who is going to take of what now and in the future)

Any ideas/items for the agenda can be sent directly to the chairs, whose contact info is above. If execs want to set up any social networking opportunities (ie. a Facebook page, a twitter account, etc.) and they PROMISE to be diligent about keeping it up (A badly run social networking presence is worse than no social networking presence), then they can coordinate and get that going. We can all help by using any and all opportunities to advocate for librarianship and our student group by using the site, generating ideas and coming to meetings with lots of communication under our belts and ready to use the face time we have to really get things done.

5. Call for any new business?

No one had any new business to bring up at this time but I just wanted to remind you again about the ALA Student-to-Staff program.

To become our chapter nominee, qualifying interested students shall participate in an essay contest outlining how the program will benefit their professional goals. The essay shall be approximately 500 words and submitted to the faculty adviser (Eric Meyers, by October 31. The faculty adviser will then evaluate the essays to determine which one student will be nominated. The adviser will then nominate the student to the ALA liaison.

I know you guys probably have a lot of things on your plate and assignments are coming up fast, but please take advantage of this tremendous opportunity and if you have any questions about what the experience was like, don’t hesitate to ask me (Yolanda).

6. Meeting Adjourned.

Important Meeting & Election Info

The SLAIS Student Chapter of the American Library Association will hold our first meeting of the term next Tuesday, September 13 in the Trail Room from 12-1pm.

This is a great time to get involved in the group and chart our direction for the coming year. We’re looking forward to planning some exciting events. Student members of the SLAIS ALA chapter will have the opportunity to network with the University of Washington Information School ALA student chapter this term, as well apply for a professional development opportunities, the Student to Staff program – which takes place at the ALA Annual Conference in 2012. Please come to our first meeting for more information.

Elections for all SLAIS ALA officers will be held on Tuesday, September 27 from 12-12:30 in the Trail room.

We hope to see you soon!