Archive for November, 2011

Product Placement

Thursday, November 24th, 2011

Cam Frick wrote a blog that talked about Gordie Dutka’s blog on Product Placement. I always thought product placement was blatant and obvious, somewhat like this farcicle example in the movie ‘Wayne’s World’: Cam talks about the “Junior Mint” Seinfeld episode as product placement, and this is something I never even noticed. I began to think, if things […]

‘Environmentally Friendly’

Thursday, November 24th, 2011

Devon Hardie made a blog which talked about how bad it was that companies were marketing their products as ‘green’ and ‘environmentally friendly’, which is true… it is bad. The question is, can you blame them? The blog talks about how there are companies who market their water bottles as environmentally friendly because they use […]

Getting Noticed

Sunday, November 20th, 2011

With ads in TV shows , newspapers, billboards, magazines, radio programs, bus stops and on the internet, consumers see hundreds, even thousands of ads a day. There was a time when a single ad could have a huge impact on consumers. Take for example this iconic Marlboro cigarette ad from the 1950’s which over two […]

Who needs a good product, all you need is good marketing.

Saturday, November 19th, 2011

If you can market your product so that consumers think it is something they need instead of something they want, then it doesn’t matter what you’re selling because you will be successful. Marketing isn’t just about advertisements, its about what consumers think when they see your product and developing the product so consumers want it. […]

Multimillion-dollar Cardboard Boxes

Thursday, November 10th, 2011

One day after seeing a moving company throw away cardboard boxes after unpacking them, Marty Metro was inspired to begin a business that connected people who had used boxes to people who needed boxes. In 2002 he left his job as an IT consultant and opened Boomerang Boxes, a retail store in L.A. that sold […]

Its the right time for coffee.

Wednesday, November 9th, 2011

Several years ago McDonald’s introduced coffee to their restaurants hoping to attract customers from competitors with low prices. The product was branded as an alternative to other pricy and somewhat pretentious cafes with adverts like the McDonald’s Unsnobby Coffee TV ad: In October of this year McDonald’s made public the decision to build on the McCafe line […]

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