Sample Resistance Program

Resistance Training
By far clients weakest area.  Little to no experience.  Has had previous trainers create programs in the past, but seldom sticks to it for long enough to see gains.  Client’s bone mass is currently in a state of osteopenia, therefore the approach is going to introduce resistance exercises at 50% of 1 rep max, for 1 set, up to 20 reps for client to learn movements, gain confidence, and provide feedback.  Resistance machines will be used initially to provide a more comfortable setting that enables client and sets client up for success.   As the Meso cycles progress, as will both resistance training modality and resistance training focus.  Training modality will progress to cable and pulley machines, and eventually free weights; the training program focus will progress from introductory endurance, to muscular hypertrophy and strength.   By the end of the first macro cycle (6 months), client will be using more free weights, thus activating and recruiting more muscles to contribute to stabilization.  Client is provided with 2 work outs to alternate.  Because client is beginner, sets will remain at 1 set for the first Macrocycle.    Planned progressions will only occur if client has properly completed the 2-for-2 rule; that is completing 2+ repetitions two workouts in succession, or until retesting of 1RepMAX. Because of clients very low beginner level, the 4th week of each Mesocycle can still be considered a rest cycle, but client may also continue to follow plan, due to low intensity.

Sample MesoCycle Breakdown: FITT

Sample Resistance Ex. Prescription

Sample Periodization Macrocycle Graph


Resistance Training Examples

Lat Pull Down

Retrieved from:


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Seated Row

Retrieved from

Overhead Triceps Extension


Retrieved from

Leg Press


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For more information on Resistance Training, please contact us!

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