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Swill-cooked oil is waste animal oil and oil that has been used several times – usually by restaurants – for frying.

In China, most of resturants used the swill cooked oil for making more profits. From my point of view, it is kind of  destruction  for all Chinese citizens and our next generation. I think the restaurants should not take their profits beyond the physical health of human being. Also, it is a huge damage for the restaurant managers. They cannot avoid to go to the other restaurants for their whole life.

Moreover, there are thousands of illegal oil factories in China. The swill cooked oil is usually collected by the collectors to spread out to the nearby restaurants. So I think authorities should emphasize cleaning up illegal oil collectors to prohibit the distribution of the illegal oil.

In addition, it is really immoral to make profits by the illegal swill cooked oil. The managers should reflect on themselves about the questions.

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