GRSJ 300: Cultural Jam Assignment

Original Advertisement:

Individuals are influenced by society and the people around them. With the advancement of technology in recent years, people rely heavily on the use of mass media. In that, their personal thoughts and behaviours are greatly affected and influenced by social norms and values. The advertisement shown above is a fitness and weight loss related ad that is incorrectly promoted in various ways.  As a result, many problematic aspects will be shown and illustrated through the analysis of the advertisement and much of the study and interpretation will also be tied in with social issues that we are experiencing today.

All individuals in society carry different attributes and traits. One should not feel insecure and unconfident based on their appearance because everyone is different and unique in their own way.  However, because our society is heavily driven by social norms and values, most individuals try to fit in with the general public in an effort to feel a sense of pride and confidence. This is a common social issue caused by mass media that is needed to be solved. In the advertisement shown above, it ties in with some of the problematic aspect of social beliefs and ideologies. The advertisement reflects on the popular interest of weight loss among the society. It uses a picture of a slim female model to represent a so-called, “standardized body figure” that one should own and achieve. A standardized body figure refers to the perfect size or weight that one finds attractive and socially acceptable. A common depiction of a standardized body type is one that is thin, proportionate, slim. However, it is important to understand that everyone is equally unique and beautiful regardless of their body size, shape, and weight. One should not be identified as “fit” while the other described as “fat” due to their weight. It not only disrespects the individual but it also creates biases and prejudices within the society. As a result, the image used in the advertisement is one of the problematic aspects in the advertisement because it fails to represent the importance of equality among different body types. Another problem is that the advertisement deceives consumers by making it seem extremely easy for individuals to lose weight. The advertisement states that one can lose weight and increase energy simply by consuming the diet pills. Through this, it falsifies the true nature of weight loss. The reason is because weight loss consists of a balance between a healthy diet, exercise, and a positive mindset. By simply consuming a pill does not have the ability to help one lose weight. This shows that the advertisement exaggerates beyond what the product can do towards one’s body during their process of weight loss.  Therefore, there are various problematic aspects in the advertisement that should be regarded as serious social issues.

Advertisements are used to promote and persuade individuals into purchasing their product. Most people play the role as consumers and the company’s target audience in the retail market. However, in the advertisement of SlimZene, it contains problematic aspects that misleads consumers. The company incorrectly promotes and reinforces a so-called  “standardized body”, one that is thin, proportionate, and slim. It also deceives consumers by making it seem extremely easy to lose weight. Lastly, because there is no such thing as a medical miracle, the ad overly exaggerates beyond what the product can do toward one’s body.

Good health is central to one’s happiness and well-being in life. It can benefit individuals in many ways. However, in recent years, there has been misconceptions between weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Individuals have been influenced by social norms and mass media in their concept of weight loss. Forms of promotional strategies such as advertisements, companies deceive and mislead individuals into buying their product in an effort to achieve the profit and financial benefits. However, everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses in life that individuals should not feel insecure of their own flaw. Instead, one should motivate and encourage themselves to become a better and stronger person. In the advertisement shown above, alteration and changes have been made. Rather than promoting the benefits of dietary medication, I decided to promote the importance of self-motivation. It is because self-motivation benefit individuals in ways that are safe, effective, and encouraging. It also helps to get rid of some of the social issues today that revolves around weight-loss.

Individuals are generally shaped by common social beliefs and values. Due to this, there are misconceptions in the idea of weight loss. In the advertisement above, I have decided to promote self motivation rather than dietary pills. The reason is because self motivation has a number of benefits in obtaining a healthy lifestyle that would change one’s attitude, belief, and motive in a positive way. In addition, it is not only safe and effective, but it also helps to strengthen one’s mind and body. Through this, it shows that motivation is an important factor in providing energy and passion for individuals to further pursue their goals and desires. Motivation not only provides one with the drive to work hard, but also allows them to recognize the importance of physical activity. Exercising regularly for a short period on a regular daily basis has the ability to boost one’s metabolism and allow one to feel more inspired in life. As a result, the changes that have been made in the advertisement is created to show individuals that good health does not come from merely dietary pills. Instead, it comes from one’s belief, dedication, and persistence. Although it is a long term commitment and process, it helps to reduce one’s insecurities and further increase in their level of confidence. Moreover, it also tells people that nothing in life comes easy and if one really wants to achieve a goal, they must work hard in order to deserve it.

In life, nothing comes easy. One must commit and dedicate to their goal in order to be successful. In the advertisement shown above, it promotes self-motivation rather than dietary supplements. Self motivation provides individuals the drive and strength to work hard. It is also safe and effective in achieving a healthy weight. Moreover, it provides the energy and passion for one to achieve their goal. As a result, the advertisement does not deceive individuals. In fact, it is provided with ethical and truthful advice and beliefs.