Carbon Footprint Calculation

by Chase ~ April 9th, 2010. Filed under: Comm 101.

Carbon Footprint Calculation

After calculating my carbon footprint, I was not too surprised with the result of low carbon emission. This is because of the fact that I am currently living in a temporary student residence determines and gives me a huge advantage in footprint calculation. The residence does a good job of reducing the electricity/utility costs. I can reduce emissions in my shelter by doing little things such as taking shorter showers or using less of warm water. However, I can’t do much to change the items (heater, window, showerhead) as it is all for the public use or the school residences’ property. For the “daily commute” part of the footprint, since I live at my school and my classes very nearby, this allows me to walk which creates no carbon emission.

I was a little surprised with the result the calculation gave me with my food consumption. I didn’t know that food can determine the amount of carbon emission. In order to reduce my emission in the food area, I can change my diet so that I consume more organic and vegetable-based food. I have a desire to follow this plan because this would benefit my personal health anyways; as well it would reduce emissions to do good to my community and even the world.

I noticed that I am not aware of many of the activities or items that determine the amount of emissions as many of my answers were “I don’t know”.

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