Joining Our Community of Practice

Community of Practice (CoP) sessions are an opportunity to get together as a community and dive deeper into the practice of Conflict Theatre. You will also learn new acting, facilitation, and joking tips. Please see our “Events tab” or our calendar for upcoming Community of Practice sessions, performances, and rehearsals.

Please email to join or ask questions about our Community of Practice!

Participation is always as per your interest and availability. We offer skill development sessions for the Community of Practice. Together, we go out to the community to put our skills to practice in the form of performances and skill development sessions for other UBC units and departments.

You can also expect to receive newsletters each term to announce our skill development sessions by contacting us at and requesting to be added to our newsletter list. Our CoP members can also become cast members to deliver performances, which means there is sometimes a call for cast members. Becoming a cast member means attending a rehearsal. Rehearsals are open to all CoP members so that they can help us with the forum interventions. Stay tuned to the Conflict Theatre online space for calls for plays we performing, and invitations to rehearsals to support the cast!


Upcoming Community of Practice Events

Our Workshops 

Joker Training