Passion for Creation


In Sean Lister’s Blog Post, Risky Business, he talks about the risks both Wade Larson and Janice Cheam had to make in order to create their businesses.  Wondering why they would sacrifice so much of their time, money and resources into something that was not concrete, Sean poses the question as to why they would do it.
I found this question very interesting because I myself have always thought of creating my own business and the “why” still flusters me.  Sometimes I think its because I liked the autonomy that it would bring into my work life such as the idea of being my own boss and making my own hours.  Other times I convince myself that its because if I develop a successful company, I could be making a lot of money.  However, when I look at what both Wade and Janice have gone through and how they have too work all of the time and in the beginning lose more money than they gain, it makes me ask the same question: is it worth it?
In the end, I think that more than anything the reason why is due to the passion to bring something new into the world to make it a better place.  Wade’s product, Urthecast, will be able to monitor natural disasters in real time from space which could assist in improved safety and awareness.  Similarily, Janice’s business, Energy Aware, will create an awareness of household energy usage which will lead to a decrease in energy consumption, bettering the environment.


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