
2017 Summer Program: Buddhism And East Asian Cultures 2017年度佛教與東亞文化國際研修班

Buddhism and East Asian Cultures:

An Intensive Program of Lectures Series, Conference/Forum, and Fieldwork

August 8-18, 2017, Mount Wutai 五臺山, China

The Wutai International Institute of Buddhism and East Asian Cultures (WII), Institute for Ethics and Religions Studies (IERS) at Tsinghua University, Research Center for Buddhist Texts and Arts (RCBTA) at Peking University, Center for East Asian Religions at the University of Zhejiang (ZU-CEAR), and the Buddhist Studies Forum at the University of British Columbia (UBC-BSF) in Vancouver, Canada cordially invite applications for a 12-day program of lecture series, conference/forum, and fieldwork on Buddhism and East Asian Cultures (July 12-21, 2017) at Great Sage Monastery of Bamboo Grove (Dasheng Zhulin si 大聖竹林寺), Mount Wutai 五臺山, and Datong, Shanxi, China.

I. Venue:Great Sage Monastery of Bamboo Grove (Dasheng Zhulin si 大聖竹林寺), Mount Wutai 五臺山, Shanxi, China

II. Schedule——July 12-21, 2017

  • July 12, 2017: Registration, Opening Ceremony;
  • July 13-14, 2017: international conference;
  • July 15, 2017: Tour on Mount Wutai;
  • July 16-18, 2017: Seminar series;
  • July 19, 2017: Young Scholars’ Forum;
  • July 20, 2017: Tour of famed religious sites in Shanxi;
  • July 21, 2017: Leaving.

III. Four-part Lecture Series: The program organizers have invited three international scholars to conduct, all bilingually (English and Chinese), a three-part lecture series related to Buddhism and East Asian Culture, with each part composed of three consecutive 120-minute lectures with a general theme (over three days). These three bilingual speakers and their lecture themes are:

  • Stephen Bokenkamp 柏夷(Arizona State University): Fundamental Approaches to Daoist and Buddhist Literature 佛道交涉文獻之根本性解讀;
  • Jinhua Chen 陳金華 (University of British Columbia): Study of Chan Buddhism: New Perspectives and Methods 禪研究: 新視野與新方法;
  • Leonard van der Kuijp 范德康 (Harvard University): Tibetan Perception of the Avatasaka Cult and Sacred Geography 西藏對華嚴信仰與神聖地理的想象

IV. This three-part lecture series will be accompanied by five lectures delivered by five China-based scholars on Buddhism and East Asian cultures.

 V. Four Additional Projects: In addition to this four-part intensive lecture series, this program also sponsors the following four projects:

  • An international conference on the Avatamsaka cult, titled “Mount Clear and Cool and the Buddhāvatasaka Sūtra: Multidisciplinary, Inter-cultural, and Interreligious Studies of the Mañjuśrī Cult, Mount Wutai, and the Buddhāvatasaka Sūtra,” to be held at the Great Sage Monastery of Bamboo Grove at Mount Wutai, August 8-10, 2017 (conference information announced at http://frogbear.org/the-third-international-conference-on-the-wutai-cult/).
  • An International Young Scholars Forum on Buddhism and East Asian Cultures (July 16 at the Great Sage Monastery of Bamboo Grove). Excellent articles may be recommended to academic journals for publication. They include the Fojiao wenxian yanjiu佛教文獻研究 (Studies on Buddhist Texts), Foxue yanjiu 佛學研究 (Buddhist Studies), Fojiao shi yanjiu 佛教史研究 (Historical Studies of Buddhism), Studies in Chinese Religions, edited by Prof. Fang Guangchang, Prof. Shengkai, Prof. Sun Yinggang, and Prof. Jinhua Chen, respectively.
  • Taste of the Dharma: a series of 1-2 hour sessions providing monastic experiences, including seated meditation, tea-ceremony and other temple rituals.
  • Occasional visits to renowned local historical sites (especially Buddhist and other religious temples and shines) on the Wutai range, and in other sites in Shanxi as well. Students with relevant research interests may also apply to participate in an additional two-day (August 17-18) tour in other sites in Shanxi.

VI. Applications: Participants are required to take part in all of the activities supported by this program, including the four-part lecture series, the regular conference and the Young Scholar Forum (paper presentations are optional, but attendance is required), field trips on the Wutai range (that in other parts of Shanxi is optional), monastic experience session, etc. Graduate students specializing in any Buddhist tradition(s) or East Asian religions, and postdoctoral fellows working on relevant fields, are encouraged to apply. Please direct applications and inquiries to buddhistseminarandfieldwork@gmail.com. Please submit applications before May 1, 2017. Each application should include (1) an application form (to be provided upon request via the above email), (2) an updated curriculum vitae, (3) one writing sample, and (4) a reference letter (to be emailed by the referee directly to the above email address).

VII. Program Expenses: Successful candidates will be exempted from all tuition fees. Program organizers will also provide free boarding (lodging and meals) in China during the program period, although participants are expected to cover

  • the costs for the transportation between their home cities and Mount Wutai; and
  • an administration fee of 1,000RMB≈US$150.

2017年度   佛教與東亞文化國際研修班

2017年7月12-21日, 山西五臺山

佛教與東亞文化五臺山國際研究院、清華大學倫理與宗教研究院、北京大學佛教典籍與藝術研究中心、浙江大學東亞宗教文化研究中心 、加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學佛學論壇於2017年7月12-21日,假五臺山大聖竹林寺聯合舉辦「佛教與東亞宗教國際研修班」,誠邀海內外青年學子參與!

I. 地點:五臺山大聖竹林寺

II. 時間:2017年7月12-20日

  1. 2017年7月12日: 報到,開幕式;
  2. 2017年7月13-14日:國際研討會;
  3. 2017年7月15日:五臺山參訪;
  4. 2017年7月16-18日:密集課程
  5. 2017年7月19日:青年學者論壇
  6. 2017年7月20日:山西地區參訪
  7. 2017年7月21日:賦歸

III. 四個演講系列: 研修班課程邀請以下三位國際學者(以姓氏羅馬字順序為序),中英文雙語提供三個演講系列(每個系列圍繞一主題,每個主題涵蓋3個各120分鐘的講演,分別在三天進行):

  • Stephen Bokenkamp 柏夷 (Arizona State University 亞利桑那州立大學): Fundamental Approaches to Daoist and Buddhist Literature 佛道交涉文獻之根本性解讀;
  • Jinhua Chen 陳金華 (University of British Columbia 英屬哥倫比亞大學): Study of Chan Buddhism: New Perspectives and Methods 禪研究: 新視野與新方法;
  • Leonard van der Kuijp 范德康 (Harvard University 哈佛大學): Tibetan Perception of the Avatasaka Cult and Sacred Geography 西藏對華嚴信仰與神聖地理的想象


IV. 其他四項活動: 除四個密集型的演講系列外,還將組織以下四項活動:

  • 一個關於華嚴信仰的國際研討會:「清涼之山與華嚴之經: 有關文殊信仰、五臺山、與《大方廣佛華嚴經》  多學科、跨文化、與跨宗教之研究 」,2017年7月12-14 日假五臺山大聖竹林寺舉行 (研討會信息見http://frogbear.org/the-third-international-conference-on-the-wutai-cult/)。
  • 計劃於 2017年7月19日假五臺山大聖竹林寺舉行青年學者論壇(研討會)。部分優秀論文可推薦至國內外質優雜誌發表,包括方廣錩教授主編的《佛教文獻研究》、聖凱教授主編的《佛學研究》、孫英剛教授主編的《佛教史研究》、以及陳金華教授編輯的Studies in Chinese Religions (社科院與英國出版社Routledge合作) 。
  • 一系列(為時1-2小時)旨在體驗寺院生活的禪悅活動,包括坐禪、品茶、儀軌觀摩等;
  • 數次宗教名勝與參訪活動(主要是五臺山佛寺與文化古蹟) 。研究內容相關的學員還可以申請參加另一在山西其他地區的參訪活動

V. 申請手續: 每位學員應參加本項目所支持的所有活動(包括演講系列、研討會和論壇[可選擇發表或不發表論文,但需列席] 、五臺山參訪[山西其他地區的参访則可随意]、以及禪悅體驗等)。歡迎佛教與東亞宗教或相關專業的研究生以及博士後報名參與 。入學申請務必於2017 年5月1日前提交至buddhistseminarandfieldwork@gmail.com。申請需包括:

  1. 申請表 (可經由上述郵箱索取)
  2. 申請者的個人簡歷
  3. 寫作樣本(發表或未發表的)
  4. 一封推薦信(需由推薦人直接电邮至以上電子郵箱)

VI. 課程費用

  1. 學費以及研修期間的食宿──免費
  2. 往返學員所在地與研修地點的機票或車票費用──學員自理
  3. 管理費(1000元人民幣)──學員負擔