Monk and Medicine

Monk and Medicine: : A Monk’s Image and Functions as a Healer

December 11-13, 2009


DECEMBER 11 (Friday)

9:30-11:30 Opening Ceremony and Keynote Speech 逸夫會議中心第二報告廳, Renmin University of China

9: 30-9:35: Greeting note from Prof. Fenglei Zhang 張風雷副院長 (Vice Dean)

9: 35-10:00: 開宗明義篇(主題演講), 何國慶先生 (慈濟加拿大分會執行長)

10: 00-10:25: 基調演講 (1), Phyllis Granoff (Yale University耶魯大學): “The Buddha as the Greatest Healer: The Complexities of Comparisons”

10:25-10: 50: 基調演講 (2), Stephen Teiser (Princeton University 普林斯頓大學): “Healing Rituals in Northwest China, 9th-10th Centuries.”

10: 50-11:15: 基調演講 (3), 何日生教授 (Tzu-chi University 慈濟大學): “The philosophy and practice of Tzu Chi’s mission of medicine with humanity.”


11:30-12:30 Lunch

12:30-2:30 Move to Mount Wuyou 無憂山, Tangshan 唐山
2:30-4:30 Activities at Mount Wuyou
1. Arriving at Mount Wuyou;
2. start the tour of Yangu temple 延古寺
3. a celebratory ceremony for the establishment of the Research Institute of the Bhaisajya Culture (RIBC);
4. an informal workshop with local Buddhist priests, Buddhist laymen, including Mr. Sun Hongwen (a sponsor of the conference); (Chair 主持: Xu Wenming 徐文明)
Possible discussion topics include:

RIBC’s mission, short-term and long-term plans for research, publication, workshop/conference activities;

The Land of Bhaisajya Practices at Mt. Wuyou: Its Current construction and Future Development;

recent development of Buddhism in the local area;

Buddhism and education, etc.


DECEMBER 12 (Saturday)

Panel I (8:00-9:20)Monk, Manuscript and Medicine(Chair: K. Shinohara)
I.1 (8:00-8:15). Ochiai Toshinori 落合俊典 (International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies 日本國際仏教學大學院大學): “Shingon sō no bongyō jissen ni mochi- irareta igakusho―Konōji zō Kamakura jidai sha Ishinhō maki jūsan―” 真言僧の梵行実踐に用いられた醫學書―金剛寺蔵鎌倉時代寫『醫心方』巻十三―
I.2 (8:15-8:30). Peter Zeime (Turfanforschung at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities德國國家社科研究院吐魯番學研究所), “Bhaisajyaguru and Sattvausadha”
I.3 (8:30-8:45). Lin Min 林敏 (海南師範大學), “Riben guxieben Shoulengyan jing yu Yaoshi jing” 日本古寫經本《首楞嚴経》與《藥師經》
I.4 (8:45-9:00). Wu Xiaojie 伍小劼 (上海師範大學), “Zhongguo fojiao Yaoshi jing- dian yu Yaoshi xinyang yanjiushi huigu” 中國佛教藥師經典與藥師信仰研究史回顧.
9:00-9:30: Discussion

9:30-9:40 Coffee/tea Break

Panel II (9:40-10:50)Rituals and Healing (Chair: Gong Jun 龔雋)
II.1 (9:40-9:55). Koichi Shinohara (Yale University 耶魯大學), “Healing Rituals in the Collected Dharani Scriptures”
II.2 (9:55-10:10). Shengkai聖凱 (Nanjing University 南京大學), “Zhonggu shiqi Yaoshi lichanyi de xingcheng yu fazhan” 中古時期藥師禮懺儀的形成與發展
II.3 (10:10-10:25). Zhang Xuesong 張雪松 (中國人民大學哲學學院):“Yaoshi rulai yu yaoshi pusa: Zhongguo minjian fojiao de yige suoying” 藥師如來與藥師菩薩:中國民間佛教信仰的一個縮影
10:25-10:50: Discussion

10:50-11:00 Coffee/tea Break

Panel III (11:00-12:15) Yaoshi xinyang yu Renjian Fojiao 藥師信仰與人間佛教 (主持:聖凱)
III.1 (11:00-11:15). Xie Lujun 謝路軍 (中央民族大學哲學與宗教學院): “Yinshun fashi de Yoashi xinyang” 印順法師的藥師信仰.
III.2 (11:15-11:30). Liu Chengyou 劉成有(中央民族大學哲學與宗教學院): “Yaoshi fo xinyang yu Yinshun fashi de renjian fojiao sixiang” 藥師佛信仰與印順法師的人間佛教思想
III.3 (11:30-11:45). Zhang Yunjiang 張雲江 (華僑大學): 論藥師經中的“宗教醫療觀”
III. 4 (11:45-12:00). Xu Sunming 徐孫銘(湖南省社會科學院哲學所): “Wu Limin Xiansheng de Yaoshi jingfa yu shenming kexue” 吳立民先生的藥師經法研究與生命科學”
III. 5 (12:00-12: 15). Han Jianying 韓劍英 (北京信息科技大學人文學院): “Hongyi dashi Yaoshi jing xiyi jie” 弘一大師《藥師經析疑》解
12:15-12:35: 自由討論

12:35-14:00 Lunch and Break

Panel IV (14:00-15:50) Monks the Healers(Chair: R. Sharf)
III.1 (14:00-14:15). Chen Ming 陳明 (Beijing University 北京大學), “Nayao yu shoufang: Zhonggu huseng de yiliao huodong” “納藥”與“授方”: 中古胡僧的醫療活動
III.2 (14:15-14:30). Paul Groner (University of Virginia 佛吉利亞大學), “Extreme Asceticism, Medicine and Pure Land Faith in the Life of Shuichi Munō 守一無能 (1683-1719)”
III.3 (14:30-14:45). Christoph Kleine (University of Leipzig 萊布里茨大學), “Buddhist Monks as Healers in Early and Medieval Japanese History”
III.4 (14:45-15:00). James Robson (Harvard University 哈佛大學), “Monasteries and Madness: The Relationship between Buddhist Monasteries and Mental Illness”
III.5 (15:00-15:15). Juhn Ahn (University of Toronto 多倫多大學), “Worms, Germs, and Technologies of the Self: Buddhism and Medicine in Early Modern Japan”
15:15-15:50: Discussion

15:50-16:00 Coffee/tea Break

Panel V (16:00-17:20) Yaoshi xinyang yu shijian fojiao 藥師信仰與佛教實踐 (主持: 劉成有)
V.1 (16:00-16:15). Shi Liaoguo 釋了果(岳陽市三荷紫竹林禪院): “Hongyang Yaoshi jingfa jianlirenjian jingtu” 弘揚藥師經法 建立人間淨土
V.2 (16:15-16:30). Ven. Yichi 一持法师 (山西壽寧寺): “Yiren weiben de Yaoshi jingshen”以人為本的藥師精神
V.3 (16:30-16:45). Zhou Hanlin 周翰林 (長沙菩提樹文化傳播公司): “Yaoshi fa shi tuijin Renjian fojiao xiandaihua de wushang shushing famen” 藥師法是推進人間佛教現代化的無上殊勝法門
V.4 (16:45-17:00). Yang Liuchun 楊柳純 (深圳特區報社): “Wu Limin dade yu Yaoshi jingfa yanjiu” 吳立民大德與藥師經法研究
17:00-17:20: 自由討論

17:30-18:30 Dinner

Panel VI (18:30-20:00) Monk, Meditation and Medicine (Chair: S. Teiser)
VI .1 (18:30-18:45). Ibuki Atsushi 伊吹敦 (Tōyō University 日本東洋大學), “Chanshi de liaoxiao: Chanzong de dengchang yiji renmen dui chanshi de qipan zhi bianhua” 禪師的療效―禪宗的登場以及人們對禪師的期盼之變化
VI .2 (18:45-19:00). Morten Schlütter (University of Iowa 愛荷華大學), “Illness, Self-healing, and Dying in Song-dynasty Chan: Some Preliminary Considerations.”
VI .3 (19:00-19:15). Eric Greene (Kyoto University 京都大學), “Bones like White Jade: Meditation, Healing, and the Contemplation of Impurity in Early Chinese Buddhism”
VI .4 (19:15-19:30). Chen Jinhua 陳金華 (University of British Columbia 英屬哥倫比亞大學), “Buddho-Daoist Medico-meditative Forms Inspired by Wuxing”
19:30-20:00: Discussion

20:00-20:10 Coffee/tea Break

Panel VII (20:10-21:00)Conclusion (Chair: J. Robson)
VI1.1. 20:10-20:25: Concluding Remarks (in Chinese): Gong Jun 龔雋
VI1.2. 20:25-20:40: Concluding Remarks (in English): R. Sharf
VI1.3. 20: 40-21:00: Further Discussion

December 13 (Sunday) Back to Beijing and make a Tour to Yunjusi 雲居寺

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