Recently, the Canadian Dollar has surpassed United Dollars. Is it actually beneficial for Canada? In terms of consumers, it is indeed favorable. People who travel often around North America will feel like spending right at home. Especially for Canadian who live not to far from the border, they will pay more trips down to United States for shopping. It may sound like it is beneficial, but it is actually not a good sign for the Canadian economy. Superficially speaking, stores in Canada will likely have a decrease in sales, but nation wise, it is a big loss for Canada in terms of imports and exports. Canada trade with Japan, UK, and other members of EU, but Canada trade predominantly with US. Canada exports appoximately 222 million and imports 180 million with US. With the increase of the Canadian dollar, export will most likely drop, because global wise, US still have better recognition than Canada. Countries will obviously trade with countries that has a lower cost; therefore, indirectly the US economy will be aided by the increase of the Canadian dollar. Although a strong dollar is a lucid indication of a prosperous economy, I still think that the Canadian government should try to maintain CAD at a optimal rate where it is will be beneficial for the country.
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