Graduation Committee Members

Meet your Grad Committee Team!

Se Won An 


Where’s home (besides Scarfe and your practicum school)?: Seoul (South Korea), Fukuoka (Japan), and my third home, Vancouver!

What Ed program are you in and why’s it the greatest?: Elementary – Social Emotional Learning (SEL) The Greatest. Can’t you just tell from our name? It’s super awesome! I am humble that we are a very cohesive cohort! GO SEL-mates!

Unforgettable moment from practicum?: I taught a few music lessons to another Gr 5 class over weekly visits. On the last day of weekly visits, I heard many “I like you” and “I enjoy music” from students! They made my day!

Cassandra Whelan


Where’s home (besides Scarfe and your practicum school)?: Sunshine Coast, Prince George, New Brunswick… Canada… Or the world. The world.

What Ed program are you in and why’s it the greatest?:Elementary – French Language and Global Studies! We play an above average number of games due to teaching FSL – Don’t you all wish you could laugh and play ALL class?!

Unforgettable moment from practicum?:During the weekly visits a different student asking me every week why I had a visitor because “well, you’re not really a visitor, Ms. Whelan!”

Andrea Lai


Where’s home (besides Scarfe and your practicum school)?: Home is Calgary, where the deer and the antelope play.

What Ed program are you in and why’s it the greatest?: Secondary – Business and English. Talk about a killer combo. This particular species of secondarius teacherus makes herself appealing through thoughtfully placed advertisements and a snazzy vocabulary.

Unforgettable moment from practicum?: Cheering on my students with the rest of their teammates in a tie-breaking badminton match against another school.

Lola Young

lola picture

Where’s home (besides Scarfe and your practicum school)?: Vancity!

What Ed program are you in and why’s it the greatest?: Elementary – CITE (Community Inquiry Teacher Education). We have a super strong sense of community in our class, as you can tell by our title. Not to mention we’re a friendly, funny, and goodlooking cohort! 🙂

Unforgettable moment from practicum?: The kids’ stories. Their endless stories about everything and how they tell me so much of it.

Murtaza Velji

Captain Canada!!!!

Where’s home (besides Scarfe and your practicum school)?: Calgary, Alberta

What Ed program are you in and why’s it the greatest?: Secondary – Chemistry and English. This combination in the program has a population of two, which makes it a rarity. Rarity = Greatness 😀

Unforgettable moment from practicum?: I got to show Pulp Fiction, Star Trek, Star Wars, Fresh Prince, and The Hunger Games as part of my lessons. As a TV/Movie buff, that made me feel accomplished.

Randy Chau

randy chau

Where’s home (besides Scarfe and your practicum school)?: Vancouver…always have been and always will be. =D

What Ed program are you in and why’s it the greatest?: UBC IB Cohort and Social Studies! It’s the greatest because it just is.

Unforgettable moment from practicum?: Nothing…it was that bad that everything is forgettable.

Mark Morrison 


Where’s home (besides Scarfe and your practicum school)?: Victoria, BC

What Ed program are you in and why’s it the greatest?: Secondary – Mandarin and Socials Studies. There are around 60 Socials folks, but only 4 Mandarin folks, and exclusivity totally equals greatness. To make things even better, I’m also the only Caucasian Mandarin speaker in the entire program 😉

Unforgettable moment from practicum?: Being told by my SAs and FA that I was born to teach in a classroom during the final meeting of my practicum.


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