Today, I went to Starbucks with my friends after lecture and I realized that they have changed their traditional cup (white with a green Starbucks logo on it) into red cups for Christmas. Also, there are many Christmas-related products like glass cups and instant coffee. Starbucks popular holiday beverages are also returned, including peppermint mocha, gingerbread latte, eggnog latte and caramel brulee latte. From my point of view, it is more than Christmas special— more profits can be produced in this way. A new app is also created by Starbucks named Starbucks Cup Magic. Customers can download for free and use to discover Starbucks holiday characters found on iconic red cups, coffee bags and signage.
The Starbucks Cup Magic app allows customers to share their feelings of Christmas products. It is connected to Facebook and Twitter, which will make great promotion for their Christmas-special products. When I went to Starbucks today, I found that many people were there to try the Christmas-special although they were not really wanting a cup of coffee. The new arrival of Christmas Classical coffee will probably make huge profits to Starbucks. Therefore, what the red cups really brings about is not only the Christmas Special coffee, but also money.