Tag Archives: broadcast

NorthWest Indian News (NWIN)


Northwest Indian New appears to be a very interesting website where one can access issues and events important to Indian people. The website claims to be a positive voice for Indian people and is currently being broadcasted into more than 50 million households throughout Canada and the United States. There are also plans to share NWIN programs with European and Asian audiences in the future. NWIN provides training and employment for tribal members in a non-traditional industry.

There is a section where one can access to watch all the episodes of NWIN. The latest episode available is number 44 from November, 2010. I am interested in searching for more current episodes but I am unsure of when they would be posted if at all. I watched a few of the most recent episodes and they are presented by a Tulalip Tribal member named Carissa Ramsey. She covered topics such as fisheries, the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver, events at local schools, The American Indian Film Festival, and Native art. There are several other reporters besides Ramsey. They use various locations to report news.

I am glad to see that all the reporters are of Aboriginal decent and are from tribes. I also looked at the credits section of the website and noticed that almost all individuals involved with NWIN are Aboriginal and their bands and tribes are also mentioned. This seems like a reliable website for Aboriginal peoples to acquire information of the latest news that affects Native people.