Day 3 – A Wee m-Venture

– One problem in performance could be spelling.

– Students could, with their device, both look up proper spellings as well as do exercises to help them with their spelling – ones geared towards the patterns / specific things they’re having trouble with.

– The mobility of the device allows students to check their spelling / work on their spelling anywhere (school, home, on the way to the rink, on the bus when scrambling to do homework, etc.). If the exercises / databases could be downloaded, Internet connectivity would not necessarily be needed. A connection woul allow for access to any content at any time, though.

– The learning theory would be mostly drill-and-kill & reinforcement.

– Similar tools could include paper workbooks, online games, and sites which provide activities.

– Challenges to the venture’s implementation could be spotty wireless access, spotty device access, cost of devices for new adopters, and tight school budgets.

– For my mobile solution to grow in the marketplace, I would like to see wider adoption of mobiles and wireless in schools, more than anything else – just the ability and permission to use it.

Posted in: Week 11: Mobiles