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  • lullings 1:16 pm on November 25, 2012
    0 votes

    The one size fits all approach of online videos is redundant and stagnating the growth of this powerful medium for communication and education.

    Continue reading Micro One – Engage with your passion Posted in: Venture Forum
    • Kent Jamieson 2:59 pm on November 28, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Stuart, just a wonderful job here. I was waiting for someone to show me both a great idea and production value. You obviously are quite skilled at presenting information, and the points you make – along with your easy pace and volume of voice – make for an informational and entertaining pitch.

      In terms of content creation, would I need to create 3 copies of a video? Or would I need to create a ‘Ground’ copy and then the program itself sifts through the content to create lesser detailed overviews?

      I love this idea, and would be interested in installing this type of service onto other aspects of educational media. Ebooks is one off the top of my head that would greatly benefit from this technology. Instead of overviews to ground level, you could have Grade level books, and the student could choose a harder level. ESL students could benefit, struggling readers, etc.

      You have a solid, polished pitch and I would be interested in hearing more.
      Thank you,

    • lullings 6:42 pm on November 28, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for the kind words Kent.

      On the question of the delivery of videos there would be three options as I see it. First of all there would be just the ‘ground’ version and the software would extrapolate the other versions from that. The video and subject would have to be suitable which it would be able to decide automatically.

      The second option would be to deliver 3 copies and the software would match the timings itself.

      The final option would be to deliver the ‘Ground’ level and we would extrapolate it manually. This would be particularly useful for things like you mention – grade books, ebooks, and tutorials.

      Naturally each would come in at a different price point – with the second option (3 copies delivered) being free to upload and then charging the end user to view OR the provider paying to use the delivery mechanism and it being free to the end user.


    • Doug Connery 8:53 pm on November 28, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hey Stuart:

      Great presentations and product. I like the way you demonstrated the Mirco One concept with the elevator and venture pitches – you are a pro.

      I really can’t see anything wrong with what you have done perhaps because both presentations peaked my interest. That is the idea of pitches, if you catch an investors interest, then any flaws are not important. If we were to take this further, then as an investor I would say – lets talk.


    • Colin 10:44 pm on November 28, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Stuart, your presentation is a great example of how a quality presentation can really sell a product. I really like your presentation everything from the background music, sound quality and animations were all professionally done. You obviously have some experience in these areas. As for your product it does sound interesting but as you mentioned you would need to decide whether you have 3 videos or if you have the software able to manage the timings. I thought the presentation was excellent and well thought out and for that reason as an investor I would listen and view a demo to really evaluate if I would invest.

    • jameschen 4:07 pm on November 29, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Stuart,

      Your elevator pitch is well-presented. From the perspective of an EVA, I think the pitch would improve with the support of a description of the pain point in an actual learning setting. Also, information on what the proprietary technology is, how the technology fosters learning and growth of the user base, and who the content contributors will be (i.e., who will be making & uploading the videos?) would also bring marketability to your product.



    • cunnian 12:02 pm on November 30, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Stuart, I was very impressed with the overall presentation of both the elevator and the venture pitch. It was a very natural move to use you pitches to demonstrate how your product essentially works. As a potential investor, this gave me a much better understanding of the product and the problem that it addresses. Your credentials and experience speak to your credibility and the clear nature of your pitches speak to your ability in content production.
      As I watched, I started to wonder how you would go about separating out content into the three levels that you propose. Is that determined on a client-by-client basis? As this is the crux of what your product is about, I think that it’s an important question to address in more depth. Apart from that, I was very impressed and as an investor would be interested in supporting this product.

    • adi 11:00 pm on November 30, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Sorry for the late post. I have had sleepless nights completing other assignments. I do apologize and mean no disrespect.

      I am going to base my feedback on what we saw in week 3 regarding the content of a venture pitch(Perfecting Your Pitch).

      1. Pain Point: the market gap or problem the venture is addressing
      Having to view whole videos when perhaps one could go direct to the part needed, is a time consuming problem.
      2. Solution: the new product or service that resolves the pain
      If it works, it would be great. Using key word searches is a great idea. My only question is who decided the key words?
      3.Differentiation: the reason someone will buy or use this new product or service, versus the alternatives
      – There does not appear to be anything similar out there
      4. Marketing: where and how buyers/users will be reached
      – I only watched it once, and cannot remember seeing this.
      5. Championship: the competency of the venture’s leaders and advisors
      – He knows what he’s doing.
      6. Competition: an overview of competitors and partners
      -Could have gone into more detail
      7. The Ask: how much money, etc, is required to take the next step
      – I can’t remember seeing this
      8. The Return: how much and how soon will an investor be recompensed.
      Can’t remember seeing this
      9. The Message
      Excellent work. Very professionally made and presented. Your message is concise and to the point, and you make excellent use of graphics. You also use a clear tone of voice and good stress and intonation to carry your message. Though I have some doubts as to how your product would work, you have me hooked on wanting to know more about it, and convinced there is a need for it. Well done!

    • rebeccaharrison 7:39 pm on December 1, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      This product addresses a gap in the market, as it changes the way that video education is accessed. I like the idea of streamlining content based on the level of knowledge that individuals need. It makes sense to have it all in one place. Who exactly would your market be? Would you start in one specific market and then expand?
      I think that the idea is fabulous as online education through videos is a big market. As far as marketing goes: how do you aim to get your product out? This could be a stumbling block as there are many video sites out there already, as you indicate. How can you let people know about your service and how it is different? I think your video and eloquence make it clear that you are confident and competent in your product. This is a slick, clear presentation without a lot of extras which goes far in enticing me as an investor. It is clear what you are using your money for, and that was a major factor in my choice to invest, but the return isn’t as clear, nor is your timeline, which might be something to include to interest investors. Overall, a great presentation!

  • lullings 6:35 am on November 22, 2012
    0 votes

    Finance, loosing perspective and Second Life.

    Continue reading avatar stuart Posted in: Week 12:
  • lullings 3:59 pm on September 29, 2012
    0 votes

    Meet Jim Breen

    Continue reading Pulse Learning Posted in: Week 04: Entrepreneur Bootcamp
    • Jenny Brown 7:29 am on September 30, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      The idea of not necessarily going with statistics but with feelings reminds me of Jobs saying: “people don’t know what they want until you show it to them.” If you really believe and “feel” that you have an amazing product, hopefully people will agree, although not everyone in the world is a Steve Jobs.

  • lullings 5:45 am on September 15, 2012
    0 votes

    Tags: ability, commercial decision, customers, instructor, , MET, point of sale,   

    I am agreeing with the 2.1 and 2.2 introduction pieces and found them to be very clear. I am also finding the 2.2 Who is the customer? to be very cut throat. I can understand that there can be a massive disconnect between the decision maker and the active user. For example I can see […]

    Continue reading Single point of sale Posted in: Week 02: The Edtech Marketplace
    • pcollins 8:12 am on September 15, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Some great musings,

      To answer your question about the decision making process with companies….. I had taken a course where we learned about the s.m.a.r.t. rule for analyzing new technologies and their appropriateness (specific/measurable/attainable/realistic/timely) and that’s all well and good. But it brings up the point that you ask – who is actually doing the decision making?

      And generally it’s not the frontline workers is it? Or the users? I was asked during the summer to take a survey about using the new connect system for my course and in my head i was thinking, “you’ve already taken the plunge, why ask me now?”


  • lullings 11:28 am on September 4, 2012
    0 votes

    Tags: broadcast, camera, editing, filming, kitesurfing, surfing, television   

    Greeting from Ireland! Ok so far I have been the only Irish person on the MET course so I assume its the same here. This is my 5th course and I am delighted to say that I have just finished all the ‘core’ subjects. Now its down to the good stuff. David Vogt, you, were […]

    Continue reading Hello from Ireland! Posted in: Week 01: Introductions
    • Jonathan 9:50 pm on September 4, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Ireland, hmm. Is this Stuart? Are you also taking 565A as well?

      • lullings 1:22 pm on September 12, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        sure am – going to be an interesting workload but thats what we are here for i guess

    • jameschen 12:46 am on September 5, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      By night, I am METman.. The RTE player looks interesting! Nice meeting you!

    • kstackhouse 6:15 am on September 5, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Great to meet you. You have an interesting job. As a Media teacher I feel very overwhelmed by the amount of knowledge I am lacking in the field. I am sure that I could learn a few things from you. I have a friend at CBC (Tech Producer for Hockey Night in Canada) and his wife works for the Toronto Film Festival. They have presented to my class before and I think I was more excited than my students. Best of luck this term.


      • lullings 5:20 pm on September 13, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Hey Ken,

        Keep me in mind for your next guest presentation to your class. I am always on the look out for new experiences.


        • kstackhouse 5:22 am on September 14, 2012 | Log in to Reply

          That would be great. I’m not teaching this semester but will be offering two Media Studies courses next semester. It is always great to have people that work in the field willing to help out. I had a director from Halifax come to my class two years ago. It was great as he helped the students edit some of their video projects. Much more meaningful for them to have someone in the business talk with them. Thanks!

    • avninder 10:16 am on September 5, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Stuart. I believe we were in ETEC 511 together last semester. I think this blog will provide quite a different experience than we had with Connect.

      • lullings 1:22 pm on September 12, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        yes it will avninder – delighted to be done with connect, but I am sure that it is just for now.

    • Peggy Lawson 7:13 pm on September 5, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Great to meet you Stuart – will be great to have an Irishman on board, and a different perspective from education. Thanks for the puffin pic – amazing birds! Peggy

    • Doug Connery 7:31 pm on September 5, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Stuart:

      Great intro post, looking forward to working with you in the course.

      I will also need to add Skeligs Rock to my to do list as the bird life, history and scenery look amazing.


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