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  • Scott 6:05 pm on October 4, 2012
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    Tags: , , Game-Based Learning, iOS,   

    Rather than typing a comment to discuss and review a few of my favourite apps, I thought I’d post a short screen recording and chat about them:  http://youtu.be/yoiaoihTPrw?hd=1 The apps discussed are: Thicket – A free interactive gesture based audio creation app. 123D Sculpt – A free 3D sculpting app. Leafsnap – A free interactive field […]

    Continue reading iOS Edu Apps Worth Checking Out Posted in: Week 05:
    • teacherben 7:09 pm on October 4, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Nice list. The Autodesk 123D apps are great. There are desktop version for some of those too, but it’s nice to see some good content creation tools finally coming to these handheld devices to challenge the notion that they are only really consumption devices. I only just read about move the turtle this morning from the Geekdad blog on Wired. I wish I had an iPad to try it on (still waiting for my budget stuff to get processed:(

      Here’s a list of IOS apps for education that another tech guy in my school sent around a couple weeks ago. There are some good things on it:


      • stammik 11:32 am on October 5, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        I’m a big fan of the Geekdad blog as well, along with Wired in general, for tech news. Flipboard and Zite are my picks for Apps that aggregate news feeds, to try and keep up on these rapidly changing topics. Truth be told however, my teenage students are my best resource – I learn so much from them!

    • Jonathan 7:52 pm on October 4, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Just bought Move the Turtle and I’m loving it! I’ll have to spend more time on it– might bring it into the iPads at school 🙂 I like the programs that teacher basics of computer programming. Teaches so many different concepts while trying to learn to program. Scratch is a good example of this for sure.

      Thanks for the list.

    • kstackhouse 11:07 am on October 5, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      This is great! Thank you for sharing. I think that the tree id app is great. When I was little my Dad asked if I could name the trees we saw while driving….”Of course I can, ” I replied. “Bob, Mark, Jessie, ….” He got a good laugh over that. I wasn’t trying to be funny i didn’t know what they were. Maybe this will help. 🙂

    • sophiabb 7:02 pm on October 5, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Love the list. I will be purchasing “Move the Turtle”. Let’s see what my kids and I can come up with.

    • melissaayers 5:35 am on October 6, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Great format/video for posting your thoughts thanks Scott!

    • Lisa Nevoral 2:26 pm on October 6, 2012 | Log in to Reply


      Great idea to use a YouTube video as your response. Very original and awesome use of technology!

      To add to Scott’s comments, I will review a couple more of the apps that were suggested this week by the Apps OER team.

      Periodic Table App – At first I thought this app was too simplistic, but then I thought about what it supposed to do. It is to teach it’s users about the periodic table. There were some great features such as a quiz on naming elements, abbreviations of elements, and atomic #s. As well, there was a description of each element as well as a sound byte of each element name. There was a video chemistry section that explained more information than what would be found on the periodic table. What I would like to see as a link or add on that helps learners in naming compounds and formulas. Maybe I should make an app for that…

      RealCalc – I really liked this calculator app. Student’s don’t need to go out and buy another instrument (ie. calculator) since they can use this on their IPhones, IPads, Androids, etc… I guess the next question is if teachers will allow them to be in the classrooms. I have had many debates with colleagues about students being allowed to bring mobile devices into the classroom. This is at the middle school level.


    • Ranvir 7:47 am on October 8, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Scott, i really liked the short and snappy review of the educational apps you showed in the video. I am planning on using some of these for my 8 yr old to supplement classroom education. i am going to try LeafSnap today as that is an excellent example of how you can use something like google goggles to learn nature. finally, thanks for sharing the ipad apps list as it seems to be invaluable resource as well.

    • stammik 5:03 pm on October 9, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for your positive feedback Ranvir!

  • Eva Ziemsen 3:49 pm on September 14, 2012
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    New Media Consortium 2012 Horizon Report   1.     How, and how much, is it useful and valuable to the broader community of educators, as well as learning technologies specialists and venturers?   Upon opening the forty two-page New Media Consortium 2012 Horizon Report, I was immediately engaged and spent a great deal of time reading […]

    Continue reading New Media Consortium 2012 Horizon Report Posted in: Week 02: The Edtech Marketplace
    • Kent Jamieson 11:56 pm on September 14, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I recently downloaded NMC’s HZ app. Great info and links to articles and journals, updates, etc. Some links were broken, but a great resource nonetheless. (2.99)

    • rebecca42 12:36 am on September 15, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I was also drawn in immediately when reading and “couldn’t put it down”. It certainly is a resource that could be used by anyone with any interest in this field!

    • jenbarker 5:24 pm on September 16, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Eva – Thanks for your very thorough review. I printed and read the K-12 version and thought it was highly credible and valuable. Something I find interesting and controversial is one of the challenges they mention. On page 5 in the K-12 version, they discuss “Critical Challenges” and write that “despite the widespread agreement agreement on its importance, training in digital literacy skills and techniques is rare in teacher education. As a Faculty Advisor in UBC’s newly designed Bachelor of Education program I was surprised and disappointed that the teacher candidates do not have to take a course in digital media literacy. When I inquired about this I was told that it was infused throughout other literacy courses and curriculum classes but I wonder perhaps if it merits its own course. Thoughts anyone? David, do you know if anyone from MET was involved in the creation of the new B.Ed program?

  • kstackhouse 5:54 am on September 14, 2012
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    Tags: , , , Game-Based Learning, Gesture, Internet of Things, , , Tablet Computing,   

     The NMC Horizon Report: 2012 Higher Education Edition aims to provide an overview of the top trends of today and predict what will be coming on the ‘horizon”. The report was completed with the help of the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative and the EDUCAUSE Program.  The use of the report is granted under a Creative Commons […]

    Continue reading The NMC 2012 Horizon Report Posted in: Week 02: The Edtech Marketplace
    • tomwhyte1 2:23 pm on September 14, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I find the comment you made in your final paragraph, regarding the speed at which some of these technologies are adopted by districts to be very powerful. For myself, districts are both an educational, political, and legal entity, all of which sometimes bogs down the system creating a delay in the large scale implementation of these services. Conversely, teachers within those districts could implement change more quickly, but might run the risk of creating controversy with either fellow teachers or the district itself, if they adopt unsanctioned technology.

      Furthermore, the speed of implementation in some cases is so great, that by the time the technology is adopted, it is usually out of date, which creates further implementation issues for other technology initiatives.


      • jameschen 4:22 pm on September 14, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Great point. It seems that while the advancements in hardware and software may be increasing according to Moore’s law, our educational infrastructure is having a hard time meeting demands. It seems to all come down to funding… Or perhaps it might be the fact that Moore’s law has been turned into More law by the corporate giants through a design for the dumps approach to satisfy consumer demands. Take a look at this video to find out how: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sW_7i6T_H78

    • jhodi 3:34 pm on September 14, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I thought that this report gave a great overview of several technologies and broad technological ideas for implementation in education. it also gave excellent examples of the educational use and purposes of such technologies and provided great specific examples of technologies that are in current use or are being developed. I very much agree with you that this was an easy read that provided a lot of information and in the future can be used by educators such as myself to get quick access to ideas in time for the technology to be relevant.

    • Eva Ziemsen 3:57 pm on September 14, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I greatly appreciated your review of the NMC Report. I also reviewed it, and felt it was eye-opening. Like you, I started to follow links and started to download apps. Are there any things that you are already using or know that others are using? I’m trying to find a good way to keep track of all the links that I pursue in readings and even categories for new apps. Perhaps there is an app for doing that? I sympathize with your last comments, since many public high schools will likely not adopt many of these things. The same goes for higher ed. However, I do believe that there are elements of this report that can be implemented in small-scale ways, (especially apps).

      • kstackhouse 8:17 pm on September 16, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Thanks Eva,
        I have used Delicious as one way to track links that I like. I have even created a Google doc for my own use where I copy & paste links and ideas. There are other ways to find similar links as well. You can use Twitter and follow other educators that you know have similar interests or concerns. This may help you as you build your list of resources to check out. The problem is that there is always something new, that is why I think this report and others like it are so important.

    • sophiabb 8:43 am on September 15, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Very good review. I agree that many of us tend to rely on other teachers and ed. tech. specialist for information on the ed. tech. market. This is only natural; other teachers and ed. tech. professionals in our circles are great resources. However, as you have pointed out, reports like this make the search for information easier. It also provides us with additional credible ammunition. As a decision maker, a valid concern in this technologically dynamic environment is purchasing technology now that will become obsolete within the next second. While this report does not solve this concern and this maybe nothing will, it is provides decision makers with a tool that they can consult. Great that it is under a Creative Commons License.

      • kstackhouse 8:14 pm on September 16, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Thanks Sophiabb, I think that the investment and length of time the technology will be in use is a major concern for the purchasers in education. The course ETEC 520 is a great course (if you haven’t already taken it) to help one deal with how these decisions are made.

    • Lisa Nevoral 6:01 pm on September 16, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      After reading your post, I took a closer look at the NMC Report and had to agree that this was an easy-to-read report that could come in very handy for future technological requests. I also thought it was useful how they had created a “Relevance for Teaching, Learning, or Creative Inquiry”section that helped relate the projected technologies to these ideas. I found when reading through some of the research reports or market projections many of the technologies were interesting but I couldn’t always think of a way I could use them in my teaching.

      You stated in your last paragraph that many school districts were behind in technology movements. Sometimes, even within a school district you will see a big discrepancy. My middle school is 4 years old and we have a lot of new technology within the building. We have also asked for certain things and have gotten them. A colleague of mine recently moved to a high school within the district and she couldn’t believe how many devices they didn’t have. I guess there are different priorities and use of funds at various schools.

      • kstackhouse 8:09 pm on September 16, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Thanks Lisa,
        We have the same issue in our district where some schools have and some do not. We also have the problem where we have some schools that have allowed certain products (Apple computers as an example) and other schools being told that they won’t be supported by the same centralized IT department. Very frustrating.

        I agree that the “Relevance for Teaching, …” section was a nice feature.

  • David Vogt 1:19 pm on September 3, 2012
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    Game-Based Learning seeks to apply the technologies and engagement factors of the hyper-successful electronic games sector, and of games more generally, to create effective learning experiences.  This includes everything from the creation of original games with learning outcomes embedded in the gameplay (“serious games”) to the game-like animation (“gamification”) of more traditional learning approaches . Opportunity Statement […]

    Continue reading Game Based Learning Posted in: Emerging Markets Poll
    • Peggy Lawson 8:12 pm on September 6, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Not long ago most so-called educational games were better at selling software than at providing true learning experiences. No more. Well designed educational games can provide engaging and often very authenitic educational opportunities for students.

      • kstackhouse 7:40 am on September 7, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        This is one topic that could be tied in with the Apps topic. Rather than having an online game one could develop an App that could be updated or upgraded once the user reaches various levels.

    • sonofpat 10:45 am on September 7, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      From where I sit I am convinced that the approach of traditional video gaming was never suited for mainstream education ie large budget, large development teams with no experience or qualification in education and long complicated game play that is aimed at entertainment.
      What is needed are more simple yet enjoyable interactive experiences that challenges as it is played. Scoring, winning or loosing will play second fiddle too learning. Whats more is that you do even have to call these video games but the current students will prefer a simple interactive experience to reading a text book and yes they would mostly be authored by teachers.


    • Eva Ziemsen 8:51 pm on September 7, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I am interested in the virtual worlds that exist within games, for example, World of Warcraft is a game that has been used to create Machinima (films recorded in a game/virtual world). Games have existing landscapes and complex avatar physical capabilities, which can be recorded. If there was a way to enable educators to use existing games to teach Machinima, it could present very elaborate and interesting learning opportunities. The issue of copyright of games will come into play, and the focus would become negotiating educational agreements with game companies.

    • Mike Rae 1:55 am on September 8, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      In general, video games are something kids do for fun, so using them as a medium for education could potentially ‘trick’ kids into learning while enjoying themselves.

    • rebecca42 12:09 am on September 9, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      We are a culture with a big focus on entertainment, so I believe that this area is one that will expand and become more important in education.

    • visramn 12:41 am on September 9, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      The net generation of learners thrives on technology. It is a part of every aspect of their life. Gaming is huge in these individuals lives because they have been exposed to it in some shape or form from a very young age. They respond to digital material in a different way. Since they are drawn to and respond to digital tools such as games it makes sense to use these tools as a means of sharing and building on knowledge.

    • stammik 7:36 pm on September 9, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      As a secondary school teacher, I feel this form of motiviation could be very effective for engaging teenage learners, though like many of the technologies listed here, it will require computer based classrooms or BYOT to be implemented effectively,

    • Ranvir 3:39 pm on September 11, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      From an instructional design perspective, gamification provides lot of opportunities for motivating learners, engaging them to learn and have ‘fun’ simultaneously and collaborate with like minded peers to form learning communities. I strongly feel that if done right, this can become one of the hottest learning technologies in future!

    • stammik 12:43 pm on September 12, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      As a follow up to this topic, here is an interesting new venture, that is in now in beta testing, for teaching photography. I plan on checking it out for my own students.


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