Would 7-Eleven’s convenient and healthy double pleasure work?

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7-Eleven, the world’s leading convenience store, starts to offer better-for-you products in their food menu. The food is created by the fitness guru Tony Horton Kitchen, with precise calories, protein and dietary fiber. The price for sandwich and warps is between $4.75 to $6.50, and juice is $4.99.


Tony Horton with his fresh foods

The sale of fresh products increased 30% over the previous year, which indicates that the demand of the fresh food tends to rise. 7-Eleven is trying to catch the unique opportunity of being the pioneer in the convenience and health food industry. Although new products the could catch most people’s eyes, with the influence of Tony Horton, who sells more than 4 millions of home exercise copies, the high price is a drawback. Increasing income lead people to a better diet choice, but that’s essentially a small portion of the customers. Some of them might just stick with the original foods in the store. However, by introducing the health food, 7-Eleven divided its convenient foods in to two categories, Tony Horton’s healthy fresh foods, and the rest. Since the rest isn’t in the healthy fresh category, does that mean that they are junk food then? Probably not. 7-Eleven have to carefully define that in order to eliminate the obvious contrast between the new products and the old ones. Furthermore, the price of juice could scare customers away. The same size of Slurpee, 7-Eleven’s special frozen drink, is only 2 bucks. Seems like health is bit pricy when customers compare other convenient product in store.


Work Cited

Horovitz, Bruce. “7-Eleven tests ‘healthy’ fresh food by fitness guru.” USA Today. Gannett, 30 Sept. 2014. Web. 1 Oct. 2014. <http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2014/09/30/7-eleven-convenience-stores-fresh-food-tony-horton-nutrition/16424751/>.

Image: 7-Eleven http://www.7elevenstores.ca/min-sl-postal-mobile/images/7-11-glow-banner.png

Image: Tony Horton with his fresh foods http://corp.7-eleven.com/images/140929Tony.jpg