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A4. Participation


Participation Portfolio

This portfolio of participation is a collection of my blog entries as they represent my best work within the ETEC 522 course.

Evidence of insightful contributions:

1. View of the Horizon

2. Dybusters: Answer to Dyslexia Challenge

3. No Mind Traction for Me

4. Vocalinks, Inc.

5. E-Portfolio Venture Analysis

6. Group work responses demonstrate frequency and content contributions in both timely and insightful manner.

7. Self Guided Learning Presentation with discussion responses done throughout the week.

8. Personal contribution to the group’s success with this project.

9. Venture Pitch

10. Venture Pitch responses


Statement of active involvement in the course

The rubric for this participation portfolio outlines key areas for consideration – presence, original voice, constructive response, and demonstrated knowledge. As evidenced in the above listed evidence, each of these elements is present in my participation portfolio. My personal reflection highlights these key areas as demonstration of my course contributions. The full reflection is available HERE –  #4 Participation Portfolio Response.

Objective Rating of My Overall Contribution

Based on the evidence provided and the references cited, the overall contribution made to this course is outweighed by what I have learned and discovered about myself as an educational technology venture analyst. My humble ‘valuation’ of my contributions and value-added would be within the 90 – 95% range. Since this level is deemed to demonstrate “excellent work, better than average and better than expected, what we hope for”, this is certainly the value of my learning in this  EVA+.  This valuation is based on contributions to presence, original voice, constructive response and demonstrated knowledge, as outlined on the rubric for evaluation.




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