Monthly Archives: April 2016

Video Mashup

My video exceeds the maximum upload size for UBC  blogs so I have posted it to Youtube and it can be viewed using the link provided here:

Time. (2016, April 7). My rapist is still on campus: Sexual assault in the ivy league [Video file].

Radius. (2015, January 21). The hunting ground. [Video file]  Retrieved from

CBC News. (2015, November 23). The fifth estate: School of secrets  [Video file]. Retrieved from

CTV News. (2016, April 7). CTV national news: Change in policy  [Video file]. Retrieve from

Tedx Talks. (2015, November 10). Sexual assault survivors: Why we need to start believing them [Video file]. Retrieved from

CBC News. (2016, March 25). The fith estate: The trial of Jian Gomeshi [Video file]. Retrieved from