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ETEC 590

Capstone Project for the Masters of Educational Technology program.

As I begin this course, I find myself looking forward (the light at the end of the tunnel) and backward (the path long travelled). This course will be reflective and help establish future directions. My work is not ending here, merely pausing for a moment of gazing at the inner landscape of my learning journey as well as the outer landscape of where my journey has taken me. This project, with the metaphor of ‘Renovations’ will provide me with new opportunities, challenges, collaborations, connections and insights. Let the renovations begin!

POSTS in Vista that capture my ETEC 590 moments.

October 17, 2012

I thought I would try to backup my work before I got too far into the portfolio development. Since I’m working on a Mac, I downloaded Site Sucker from the app store – worked like a charm. It sucked a WordPress site without a hitch and downloaded onto my hard drive, opened no problem in both Safari and Chrome.

THEN….. (the plot thickens). Since I am using Wix for my portfolio, I tried it…. no luck – error messages saying ‘file not found’. I published my site, in it’s unfinished, deconstructed state, just so I could try this out. SO…. not sure what to do next.

Option One: Continue on with Wix, knowing that I can’t ‘suck my site’ for upload into Vista.

Option Two: change my portfolio to WordPress or other location to allow for the content backup

Option Three: find another creative ‘work around’ for this problem.

I think I’ll hold off on any further work in Wix until I can solve this problem. I’m contacting Wix support to see if they can help.

October 17th – continued

My investigations so far:
Option One – continue with Wix – there are other portfolios in the ones posted in Vista that were created in Wix – Jennifer, Colin and G.B’s. So, it has been done in the past, I just don’t know how it was done.
The Wix support states that “at the moment there is no way to create a backup version of your HTML5 site” and “No. Wix doesn’t support the option of exporting files created using Wix to an external destination”. The support community/forum has lots of other suggestions, but no option to contact someone (maybe I need to pay for the premium account to get one-one support?).

Option two: I tried ‘site sucking’ a Weebly site and did it with no problems. I’ve signed up for a free Weebly account and will ‘play’ in that sandbox for a little while to see how it compares with Wix (since I’ve enjoyed my Wix experience so far!). The benefit of knowing I can backup my work may make it the solution to this problem.

Option Three: another creative workaround? There must be a way to present a Wix eportfolio since others have done this in the past. Is it worth the trial and error time? A paid web hosting service may the other direction to investigate.

Just posting the update to let others know what I’ve discovered.

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