Welcome to the International WaTERS Network online training modules. These modules are intended to give students and practitioners an open access tool to learn more about water governance challenges – with focus on equity and resilience in the global South.
There are 5 modules, each with a number of submodules. Each module contains a mix of videos, open access readings, and the chance to test your knowledge of the material. Many also include reflection and discussion questions that might be helpful teaching resources or learning guides. Each submodule should take between 1 and 2 hours and can be a standalone unit or used in conjunction with the other lessons. As such, to complete all lessons we expect that this will take up to 30 hours of work (watching videos, doing the readings, and so forth).
We are happy to provide certification for completion of the course. As you complete each module, you can take a quiz. Earning a score of 80% or higher on the quiz is considered passing. After you have passed all 5 quizzes, please send an email to internationalwatersubc@gmail.com and we can issue your certification.
Each module has been designed by different teams of experts from around the world who are affiliated with the International WaTERS Network. This geographic and disciplinary diversity provides depth and insight on a broad range of issues, drawing on diverse expertise and research traditions related to water access, governance, and resilience challenges.
The International WaTERS Network aims to foster ongoing research, training and collaboration to better address ongoing water governance challenges, with focus on the global South. The International WaTERS partnership does so by: promoting collaborative and comparative research on urban water governance and resilience, with specific focus on rural-urban linkages and institutional, social and equity dimensions; fostering knowledge mobilization through academic and policy dialogue in our Network and beyond; and building an extensive network of expertise available to enrich capacity and graduate training at partner institutions. These training modules represent one component of our broader training and knowledge mobilization effort. The Network was funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (Partnership Development Grant # 890-2013-0020). We welcome ongoing input, support, and the continued growth of our Network to achieve these goals.
Visit the International WaTERS Network webpage, Academia.edu page, or on Twitter: @internatwaters
Please report any broken links or corrections to internationalwatersubc@gmail.com