NOTE: After two memorable and happy decades with UBC, my employment is ending March 31, 2025. Please discontinue use of my UBC email address after this date. New contact info (and adventures) to come!
Dr. Jennifer E.V. Lloyd is a Research Associate in the School of Nursing in the Faculty of Applied Science at the University of British Columbia (UBC).
Lloyd earned her B.Sc. in Psychology and her M.A. in Educational Psychology from the University of Victoria. Following a year working in the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford, she pursued her Ph.D. in psychometrics from UBC’s Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology and Special Education. Her dissertation, supervised by Dr. Bruno Zumbo, focused on foundational and practical psychometric issues surrounding the statistical analysis of individual change (a.k.a., individual growth modelling).
After graduating, Lloyd was awarded a Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research post-doctoral fellowship at HELP, collaborating with Dr. Clyde Hertzman. Drawing upon her prior work experiences with Edudata Canada and the BC Ministry of Education, her research at HELP has identified ways in which linking administrative databases can improve research and policy on children’s early social-contextual experiences to ultimately benefit their developmental trajectories.
Most recently, Lloyd has begun working closely with Dr. Jennifer Baumbusch in UBC’s School of Nursing conducting a population-based investigation of the educational trajectories of British Columbian students across multiple categories of special needs (inclusive education designations).
Lloyd’s publications have appeared in leading international forums such as Social Science & Medicine, Health & Place, the Journal of Community Psychology, and Educational & Psychological Measurement. Her research has also been featured in a variety of media outlets, including the Vancouver Sun, the Province, the Globe & Mail, the Calgary Herald, the Times Colonist, and Maclean’s Magazine. She has also conducted live interviews on CBC Radio International and CFAX-1070.
(Last updated: November 15, 2024)