Dinner! Pasta = 12869km Travelled Before my Plate


Production Delivery Packaging
Primo Rotini Made with Semolina from 100% Canadian whole wheat.  Pasta produced in Unico Plate located in Toronto. The ingredients for the pasta are most likely produced from 3 of the prairie provinces Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Plastic bag, similar to how the Dempsters bread was packaged.
Hunts Pasta Sauce Main ingredients being tomatoes are grown in Sunny Oakdale, California. The website also highlights how the tomatoes are steam peeled, unlike competitors who use chemicals.  Furthermore, they use no preservatives and use 100% natural ingredients. Processed and packaged in Omaha, NE USA.  Tomatoes grown in Oakdale California.  This creates quite the carbon footprint, as the tomatoes are taken 2655 km east to be processed and then redistributed throughout north America.  In my case, they travelled a total 5539 km before reaching my plate. Packaged in a can, much more eco-friendly than the previous plastic containers.  Can be recycled.


Overall, I am quite shocked at how much oil I consume. This assignment has allowed me to realize my dietary carbon emissions in more concrete terms. Our 21st century society has allowed us to neglect the effects of carbon emissions when we can drive up the street and purchase a box of mandarin oranges. Meanwhile, that box of oranges has traveled across the pacific ocean burning fossil fuels the entire way.  Similarly,  imagining the distance a simple pasta dinner makes before pouring it on my plate is astonishing. To think that Every Tim Horton’s Coffee I consume travels over 11000 km just in transportation.   An attempt to live a 100 mile diet would be tough, but something I would like to try  in the future.

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