How Heavily do I Tread on Earth?

by Kaylee Astle on April 4, 2010

1111When people talk about their “carbon footstep” or their “tread on Earth” I never really knew what to think, because I had no idea how much effect I had on the environment. Something I have learned is that I can make a difference!  

                 After listening to James Tansey and Moura Quayle, I was surprised to hear that the average carbon emission per capita is 4.5 tonnes. However, I wasn’t surprised to learn that my emissions were lower, around 3.792 tonnes per year. My lack of surprise is because I have always been aware that my sustainable choices have direct impact on the environment.

Growing up, I paid strict attention to the efforts of people around me to make a difference. I watched all the documentaries on the environment, and I have tried to make conscience decisions regarding the environment.  The Carbon Footprint Calculator is a great website because it opens people’s eyes to the effects they have on the environment. Even though initially I believed I was doing my part to lead a sustainable lifestyle, the website has shown me that although my food, travel and shelter have a low impact carbon emission, I have overlooked the fact that I can encourage friends and family to lead a more environmentally friendly lifestyle!

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