hi, welcome to thursday night // friday morning

sometimes when my poetry prof gives us a prompt and i’m just sitting there in my chair as stiff as one of those brushes you use to wash dishes, she notes it and says: “just write.”

that’s kind of what i’m doing right now. welcome to my stream of consciousness.

i haven’t changed my profile picture in a couple of months and i’m like wow i should really do that but i also should do the wreck beach stairs. hahahahahaha. i ate a bag of skittles and linkz last week. not meal shaming or anything. junk food is G R E A T for the soul, but then i just end of lying there like a dead fish with a mouth and i’m just like:

these flex dollars on my meal plan are really not a good idea. i mean they just enable me to buy all this junk food. FREEDOM OF CHOICE WAS BAD I AM NOT READY. SOMEONE PLEASE BRING ME VEGETABLES BEFORE I TURN INTO A SOUR PATCH KID.


academics wise:

i dropped two courses and picked up one. five course would’ve sent me packing i swear.

i was gonna blog about this whole ordeal and title it ‘drop it like it’s hot’ and how i had an epiphany about the whole thing about how this is my degree and i should really do it the way i want to, but alas, that idea kind of fell out of the canoe.

i was in a canoe once. with my parents. it tipped. let’s all picture that.

and i guess what’s on my mind *most* this year, is trying to be a tad more academic than I was last year. by which i really mean a lot more than a tad. but again, this place is just one big learning game in life and we’re going to have those days where we (read: I) end up slipping up and not prioritizing so well.

like last night when I was watching New Girl (which got good again btws. finally. wtf) and The Mindy Project (it was always good) and was supposed to be doing some reflection. hahahahahah. priorities.

this has all been a learning experience in time management for me.

to end this stream of consciousness let me say:

-my water bottle is purple

– i have a whistle on my keys

– yes i’m starting to put spaces after the bullet point, and the first one doesn’t have one. SUE ME.

-sometimes i’m too lazy to go get breakfast so i just make oatmeal with my kettle

– i have a kettle

– i should sleep more

-Viola Davis is on TV now. everyone should watch her wow. yes.

– i haven’t actually watched that show yet. it’s called ‘How to get away with murder’ which sounds like it teaches some useful things(?)

-my cookies are in a crate and barrel jar

– my candle is amber scented wow wow wow

-alt-j launched an new album this week and lights and perfume genius. i suggest all of them. cool. cool.


– I use colgate total rn if anyone’s wondering

– a bieber gif is really a good note to end on

2 thoughts on “hi, welcome to thursday night // friday morning

  1. In the spirit of bullet points
    – You didn’t mention the good wife premiere
    – The frozen joke in the New Girl was the highlight the episode
    – How to get away with murder was a great series premiere i recommend it with a glass (or bottle) of red wine.
    – Glad you recognized 5 classes is intense.
    – Have a good weekend.

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