
You are invited to log on to the Webcast of UBC’s 2004 Annual General
Meeting (AGM) on Fri. Oct. 29 from 12 noon to 1 pm at www.ubc.ca.

In addition to reports on UBC milestones and vision for the future,
this year’s AGM features special guest Jeffrey Simpson, award-winning
author and National Affairs Columnist for the Globe and Mail.

The meeting will conclude with a question and answer period with
university administration, and questions can be submitted via e-mail
(agm.questions@ubc.ca) during the Webcast. The Webcast will also be
archived and available for viewing after the event.

The university’s annual report is available at
www.ubc.ca/annualreport. Read the report, fill out the survey, and
you’ll be entered to win a Palm Tungsten T3 handheld.

Dennis Pavlich
Vice President External and Legal Affairs

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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