Posted by: | 30th Jan, 2012


Welcome to my e-Portfolio

This is my graduating capstone project for ETEC 590. It is testament of my learning journey that has been one of knowledge acquistion, reflection, passion, and transformation.

My journey began in September 2010  and it has become a quest for knowledge building (theory), reflection (processing), and transformation (application). This ePortfolio represents the beauty of learning through the Masters of Educational Technology program and how turning challenges into successes leads to scholarship. It is likened to the path of an oyster who makes a pearl by coating the surface of a small grain of sand or irritant that gets into the shell with a pearly nacre. Each layer is scaffold upon the last until the process is complete. The result is an object of beauty, a pearl. This is my metaphor.








 “Dive into the sea of thought and find there pearls beyond the price.”

I started my MET journey to attain a better perception and understanding of educational technology and how it can be used within the context of educational pedagogy with its connection to the 21st century learner. This journey has been one that has helped me answer the question, To what extent does one integrate technology in a grade one classroom and what activities produce collaborative scaffold learning that support curriculum objectives?”

In my ePortfolio I will endeavour to share answers to research questions about collaborative learning. This will demonstrate the knowledge that has been built over the two years that I have been in the MET program. It will link my MET experiences to my teaching and show how various literatures support my personal learning theory. I will showcase three significant artifacts and how they relate to my learning of educational technologies, theoretical literature, and research. It will also show how my learning or scholarship has become transformative in my teaching.

The purpose of the ePortfolio is to serve as the capstone graduating project for U.B.C. Masters of Educational Technology (MET) program and to meet the requirements of Teacher’s Qualification Service (TQS). Within the broad purpose of its construction is the endeavour to show ePortfolios as a reflective tool that demonstrates a transformative journey of learning.  Mezirow’s theory (1997) emphasizes that transformative learning comes about through reflection and discourse. 

My electronic Portfolio will also serve as a professional resource of gained knowledge and information that I have attained from each course. This knowledge supports educational technologies through analysis, synthesis, and application. Theory, reflection, and discourse have contributed to my transformational learning (Mezirow,1997).

My audience will include UBC professors, MET colleagues, other teachers, and anyone who is interested in educational technologies. It is a showcase of my transformative learning to share with family, friends, and myself.

It will showcase artifacts from all my courses that represent me as a lifelong learner”.  In its broadest meaning this represents andragogy; self-initiative adult learning. “ …in which individuals take the initiative, with or without the help of others, in diagnosing their learning needs, formulating learning goals, identifying human and material resources for learning, choosing and implementing appropriate learning strategies, and evaluating learning outcomes” (Knowles, M. 1975:18).

It is my hope that my ePortfolio will showcase my learning journey as being reflective, passionate, and transformative and be metaphorically symbolic of an industrious and perservering oyster who scaffolds layer upon layer of nacre to create a beautiful object to behold. ” I am a perpetual student of learning.” …a lifelong learner.

The MET journey is a stepping stone into the sea of constant change and constant learning for me.


Thank you for visiting my ePortfolio. I hope that you find it informative. Many names and words are hyperlinked in red.



Leslie Dawes


 PLEASE TAKE……….. My Guided Tour


The pearl below is found on each page.

Clicking on it will take you back to the

HOME PAGE.         





Atherton, J. S. (2011). Learning and Teaching; Cognitive Dissonance and learning [On-line: UK] retrieved 9 March 2012 from

Dickinson, D.(2002). Complied and edited; work of Knowles, M. ‘Creating The Future,’ Perspectives on Educational Change.

Mezirow, J.(1997). Theories of Learning in Educational Psychology. Transformational Learning Theory. Retrieved March 9, 2012.

Smith, M. K. (2002). ‘Malcolm Knowles, informal adult education, self-direction and andragogy’, the encyclopedia of informal education,

Ocean Beach picture by- L.Dawes



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