90-Second « Shark Tank » Pitch

90-Second « Shark Tank » Pitch

The 90-Second Project Pitch is what others call an Elevator Pitch.  Think, “Shark Tank”.  Business entrepreneurs present their idea, passion, invention, or design to a panel of people (your peers), and the entrepreneur must present quickly and passionately.  You want to “sell” your idea in a creative and interesting way without dragging your audience.  Think about a commercial!

You will “pitch” your Genius Hour idea to the class with a 90-second elevator pitch/mini-presentation on ________________________.

Your pitch MUST include:

1. Title page including your name, the date &“thick/essential” question.

2. What you want to create during your Genius Hour Project?

3. Why you chose this project (Tell a little story, give history, a definition, etc.)?

4. What materials/resources you’ll need?

5. What are your first three steps to getting the project started?

6. What obstacles you are anticipating?

7. Why this project is worthy?

and then, Graciouslythank the audience for their time/consideration of your idea

Your presentation MUST:

– be a Google Slides Presentation

– include 7 slides: one for each point above

-You want your presentation to ENHANCE/your project

Be organized with your thoughts and ready to speak passionately about your Genius Hour Project proposal.  Be prepared to answer questions about your project.  If your peers have any concerns, they are going to voice their opinions and thoughts.  You need to be able to defend yourself.