
Psychology of Self in Social Media

Note: Due to changes in my teaching priorities (including sabbatical leave 2016/2017), this course will not be offered again soon. I leave materials here in case they are of use. — CR

This course is my re-imagining of the course called Psyc 325: Socialization: Media Content and Effects. The 2015/2016 offering will set the foundation for either a revision of the course description or possibly a new course entirely. For now, it is one of the courses available on the “Developmental” list for psychology majors, and indeed themes of identity and inter-generational dialogue will likely permeate the course. Yet the framework we will explore most thoroughly will be one of self, from a social psychological perspective. As I reasoned and imagined through this course in great detail, my research background as a social psychologist influenced the way I came to think about this topic. Thus, I have emphasized the Self in the course subtitle.

Creative Commons Licence
Psychology of Self in Social Media is a website that functions as a course syllabus for a course created by Catherine D. Rawn. This website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, which applies to all work unless otherwise indicated. If drawing from my work, please honour the licenses I have chosen.

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