Post-Secondary Ramblings

Ah yes, sniffle season.

with 2 comments

With the sudden subarctic temperatures hitting the Lower Mainland, we finally have our winter. And thanks to that, I’ve caught the sniffles. I woke up in bed this morning with a sore throat and was faced with a dilemma.

Should I even bother waking up and going to my 8AM class?

I was sick, but not sick enough to spend the stay at home. Just a sore throat and nasal congestion. The worst kind of sick, and it was partly my fault for not dressing warmly enough the past few days. In the end, I did drag myself out of bed, pop some pills and head to school. I was definitely not my normal self though, and it was a terribly long day.

How sick do you have to be before you deem yourself too sick for school?

Written by Renee

January 19th, 2012 at 9:44 pm

2 Responses to 'Ah yes, sniffle season.'

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  1. I have an Asian mom. Which means I can only be too sick for school when I’m near dead.

    Kelvin Choi

    20 Jan 12 at 8:22 am

  2. I… …go to school when I’m sick :( I only don’t go when I’m contagious.


    20 Jan 12 at 8:23 am

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