HP’s Diminishing Organizational Culture and Questionable Ethics

November 15th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

Through research, news, and various media sources, it is clear that in the past decade Hewlett Packard has made poor decisions that demonstrate lack of ethical, moral and organizational justice. These events include corporate spying, sexual harassment, pay cuts, massive acquisitions and unexplained layoffs. Even though HP’s profits don’t seem to be currently affected by these incidents, there is a possibility that the company could encounter problems in the future if they ignore these issues. For example, many of these controversial events have weakened HP’s core values, a term referred to in class, and that has removed a sense of connection and unity in the workplace. HP used to have a family-like organizational culture, like Zappos does today, but this culture has diminished. Additionally, these events have caused organizational ambiguity as well as a decrease in job satisfaction, which ultimately reduces productivity and efficiency. These events have not only caused internal issues but external issues as well. Consequently, these problems have damaged HP’s public relations and customer loyalty.

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While watching this video, think about how the company used to be compared to how it is now, and ask yourself if this is what the founders of HP envisioned the company to look like today.

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