Urban Outfitters and Social Media

October 9th, 2011 § 0 comments

Urban Outfitters, a successful clothing, accessory, and apartment furnishing store, uses Social Media, to try and boost their sales in numerous ways. Firstly, each of their products has a review page that gives consumers feedback from people who bought a product. Their review pages allows positive as well as negative comments, and this is an excellent strategy that allows product owners to post positive and negative reviews, thus consumers feel reassured that they are reading uncensored reviews. Urban’s belief is: what you see is what you get. Moreover, each comment features icons like Twitter, Facebook, and Stumble It which permits individuals to share their review on these more diverse social networking websites,and this gives Urban free advertisement. Additionally, their website features their own UO blog that represents the ambience of the company as well as spotlights new trendy items. These strategies are a good way of reaching Urban’s target consumer as well as keeping their company status in their market.

Urban Outfitter Blog

UO Facebook Page

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