To LinkedIn or not to LinkedIn in China? That is the question

Linkedln as we know is a global social app which connects professionals in different fields of the industry. However this recent expansion into china by them is revolutionizing the app as there is a potential of 140 million new users from china. The company has agreed to abide by Chinese laws in order to run the brand safely without any infringements, however it creates new problems such as global restrictions to content which was free before and the potential that the Chinese government could have eventual control on the app’s information distribution

My personal recommendation would be to tap into the Chinese market with a little bit more caution as they have a notorious reputation form shutting down large social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Furthermore they should definitely look to expand from cities like Shanghai and Beijing as they are technologically equipped sectors to handle the inflow of information and working professionals who work in those cities. Linkedln has a very big opportunity to expand its horizons with its custom made Linkedln, but yet again caution has to be excersized because the company does not want to become too conservative with it’s information because that is one of the biggest reasons why it’s so popular in the west.

In conclusion, it has a whole new untapped market to dig into, which can be highly lucrative.

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