El Callejon de los Milagros

Posted by: | February 4, 2009 | Comments Off on El Callejon de los Milagros

Right off the bat, I would be interested in a queer studies perspective on this film.
Rutilio makes for one of the strangest gay characters I have ever seen portrayed in film.
In the opening sequence he is seen berating his son with a barrage of homophobic slurs.
An attitude that is emulated by his son later in the bar and finally in the shower scene.
But Rutilio is clearly attempting to cover up his own gay orientation.
What’s strange is he suddenly drops this cover and openly engages with the younger man at his bar and around town.
All this after 30 years of marriage?
It was odd.
Even more odd was his constant violent outbursts towards his wife.
Some sort of clinging on to his hetero-masculinity.
Of course it is the mother character who takes this burden on herself, as we see her being struck by branches in a smokey room.
(Some sort of purification? I know the Finns used Birch Branches to strike themselves in Saunas as a rejuvenating and purifying gesture.)
What’s frustrating is whether or not I found Rutilio to be absolutely pathetic, or,the most troubled, complex character of them all….
As for the rest…
Narrative structure and the us of POV (Point of View) on the same story was the saving grace of this film.
I had to leave at 7pm so never saw the end but I imagine the barber came back?
Interesting to learn that this film was awarded 26 times….


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