
Culture Jam Assignment

Culture Jam Assignment by SumLo

The original advertisement is for an online MMORPG called Scarlet Blade which in itself is an incredibly problematic and sexist online game that aims to sexualize and objectify women by having only female characters and wearing revealing clothing. The problem with the ad is that it is very sexist and degrading towards females as it even heavily implies sexual assault. The revealing clothing/armor worn by the female character evidently does nothing to protect her from monsters and such in the game but are pandered to the male audience. Not only do they have unnecessarily revealing armor, there is catering to the male fantasy with unrealistic body proportions. There is inherent issue with representation of female characters in video games and this advertisement reinforces the sexism in female representation. Even if female avatars are used in this game, it is implied in an incredibly sexual and disturbing manner of having dominance and control over the character with the captions at the bottom which promotes rape culture. Her choice of weapon unlike the traditional sword and shield, is a barbed whip which in realistic situations unreliable and impractical in battle. It is another form of gratification of male desire by the intended visual of how she is posing and the way she is holding the whip which does not look in any way viable to use in a fight. The problem addressed in the ‘jamming’ of the advertisement is the removal of the sexual assault captions, changing the body to more realistic proportions, and presence of clothing instead of lingerie.

ss (2016-02-24 at 10.48.53) ss (2016-02-24 at 11.20.54)

The jamming of the advertisement includes removal of the sexual assault captions, changing the body to more realistic proportions, and the presence of clothing instead of lingerie. It hides the sexual assault message by the removal of it completely, and changing the message of the second caption as a form of female empowerment. She is the one that is in control of her body, and has her own free will. Which removes part of what makes the advertisement offensive and problematic. The change of the figure to something more realistic demonstrates how fictitious the body was with its hypersexualization of large breasts, thin waist, and large bottom. The jamming includes an alteration of a more realistic body shape, a breast-size reduction, and a more realistic waistline. It should invoke what a real woman’s figure should appear to be. The comedic cover of the top shows how ridiculous and how much skin was revealed in the original advertisement and how much is covered even when it is just a simple top. Originally she had nothing on, and now she at the very least has a top and pants on. It removes the sexualization of the character, the jamming is an attempt to change the advertisement from something sexist and offensive to something empowering for the character. She is clothed, uses a weapon of her own choice, and dresses in an appropriate manner. The addition of clothes and body type displays how ridiculous the original advertisement is even without the sexist caption. The jamming hopes to empathize on the ridiculous female representation is in video games through the removal of what makes the advertisement problematic and offensive.

Story written by SumLo


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