
Teaching Assistant Courses

1. EECE 381 : 2013–2014, 4 terms

Computer Systems Design Studio
Design and implementation of an embedded FPGA hardware platform and software design and implementation at the operating system and application layers.

2. EECE 494 : 2012, 1 term

Real-time System Design
Multi-tasking; interrupt-driven systems; task scheduling; schedulability analysis; inter-process communication and synchronization; resource management; performance measurement; hardware/software integration; hardware/software tradeoffs; system reliability.

3. APSC 160 : 2010–2011, 4 terms

Introduction to Computation in Engineering Design
Analysis and simulation, laboratory data acquisition and processing, measurement interfaces, engineering tools, computer systems organization, programming languages.

4. EECE 320 : 2009, 1 term

Discrete Structures and Algorithms
Discrete structures, such as trees and graphs, and their properties; introduction to algorithms and algorithmic complexity. Proof of correctness; design techniques such as greedy algorithms and dynamic programming.

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