
Dear Past Self

Dear past self,         I know that the past few days, weeks, months or even years have been filled with so many obstacles and challenges. Some of them you were able to easily breeze through and other times you just barely crawled past. Then, there were those unfortunate occasions where you were completely crushed by […]


How Communication Can Affect Our Mental Wellness

Taking the time out of our busy schedules to speak with our loved ones is important, not only to maintain that particular relationship, but also to achieve a healthier mind state. Sharing any thoughts and feelings, no matter how big or small, that can cause us stress or discomfort is one way to properly deal […]


A Story on Self Esteem

I write this post in hopes of sharing my story about breaking a cycle of negative thoughts and rebuilding my self-esteem. I know that there are others out there in similar situations and I hope to let you know that you’re not alone in tackling this. Personally, I’ve always been a perfectionist and my own […]

Mental Health Correspondents Uncategorized

Daily Motivation

“People often say motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” -Zig Ziglar (Edberg, 2015) As the new school year starts, many of us will have a multitude of different thoughts and emotions spiralling inside ourselves. Speaking personally, I’m constantly thinking about what comes next in my hectic schedule and […]

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