Through Death & Rebirth

a critical literacy approach

The Hunter

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Our stories begin with Mik’Maq and their oral traditions. The Mik’Maq trace their history to Paleo Indians of the Paleolithic era. Given that the Mik’Maq lands were on the East Coast of Canada it was only a matter of time before they would receive visitors from foreign lands. Evidence of one of the earliest visitors is a Norse settlement in the land now referred to as Vinland.

As one story goes, the native people and the new visitors got along well for a time until one day when boat loads of warriers descended upon the new arrival’s settlement. The natives, far outnumbering the foreigners, were victorious. According to the Icelandic family saga of Erik the Red, this would result in casualties on both sides before the Vikings would beat a hasty retreat back to Greenland.

Our stories begin with an unamed great hunter framed within oral and hieroglyphics technologies.

The story of orality bleeding into script can be demonstrated by looking a little closer at the story of The Explorer.

Written by Julie S

November 10th, 2011 at 12:16 pm

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