Yvy Truong

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. – Oscar Wilde

Tag: foucault


Alright, because I am supposed to actually do my post on Paine for this week instead of Hacking…. Here it is! After today’s lecture on Paine, I really wished I understood Hobbes better! And not to say that I’m fully clueless on Hobbes, I know the general gist of what he’s saying (the natural state […]

A Note on Foucault and Sexuality

After reading a bit of Foucault, it made my mind do a bit of running. I will say though, it deserves a second read to understand it more clearly. But, as I was saying… Reading Foucault made me really think about how we think about sexuality today. I don’t know how to think of it […]

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