Blog 1 – Heart Attack Grill?!

“Fighting anorexia since 2005!”

Never have i thought that such a feat was possible but the Heart Attack Grill have proved me wrong. The restaurant, known also for its Guinness World Record winning burger that weighs in to nearly 10000 calories, is notorious for multiple ethical violations such as, producing and promoting incredibly unhealthy foods with the addition of “scantily dressed nurses” to sell sex appeal.

Owner “Dr. Jon (Not a real doctor)” has already experienced numerous heart attacks at the restaurant and recently, even death. However, he claims this as positive publicity to the restaurants image (?!). Also not to mention about the possibly offensive conducts in the restaurant e.g. hiring a grown stunted lady to drive a mini cart around selling beer, spanking customers on the butt and  pushing customers on a wheel chair if they finish their burger. Many may argue that this is completely against what is socially acceptable in terms of ethics and morality.

However, the question is, “is this an unethical business or simply great marketing?”.  Yes, its true that what Dr. Jon does in his restaurant violates several moral codes. However, at the end of the day, contrary to many of his competitors, he is marketing his product in a unique way with all the added benefits (nurse waiters) to entertain the customer! Consumers who choose to dine at the restaurant are consciously making the choice, knowing the health risks.

What do you think? Is this man a genius or a borderline sociopath?

Source: (2011 ver.)


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