Umbrella revolution – Hong Kong’s fight for freedom (non comm101)

Today, I would like to touch on a topic that i hold very dear to my heart. Whilst sitting in my room reading wholeheartedly written internet posts that the present generation of Hong Kong have shared all over social media, I feel a strong surge of patriotism rising within me. For the first time in a long while, I have felt that the people of Hong Kong have united together, sadly, for a cause that will ultimately end dismally for both sides.

I regret not being able to participate in the current protests, to support and fight for Hong Kong’s most important ideals. However it is gut wrenching to watch citizens fight against police who are binded by their duty to follow orders and more importantly, their responsibility to maintain public order.  Many officers were not allowed breaks and have stood their ground for 12 hours straight, some even without food whilst the government sit in their air conditioned room “discussing” in their meetings.  Therefore I salute and pay my respects for those fighting and for the police on the other side.




However, there is something that I cannot accept and absolutely despise about this rally. There are people who simply jump on the band wagon, joining rallies to skip school, skip work to promote the wrong ideals. I strongly disagree with purposefully “shutting down” Hong Kong. These people with empty words disrupt the real message that is being conveyed and furthermore, its reflects negatively on the belief that the people have which they have devoted so much effort and time into conveying.

The sheer amount of people willing to rally and protest on the streets shows the heart and pride that each of us has. The Central Government has crossed a line by denying our rights to vote, this must be reprimanded. Stop this injustice.

I urge everyone to support this cause by participating in the following events:

UBC Yellow Ribbon Event:

White House Petition:

Fight for the future,

Fight for democracy,

Fight For Hong Kong.


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