Posted by: | 23rd Oct, 2012

Appshed a Hit!

I loved the opportunity to try out building an app. Last year some colleagues were talking about how easy it can be, but I seriously thought it would be way beyond me. Just for fun, I started an app for my town (unpublished) that allows people to follow and comment on food trucks. You never know where they are, or what they have to offer here in town. We were at a wine festival last weekend and I couldn’t believe the array of food trucks that must of have been hiding in some food truck forest I didn’t know about. And I was thinking how great it would be if there was a means for them to let it be known where they are and what’s on the menu.

The affordances are endless!

I was wondering if anyone has found any apps that are specific for schools or teacher’s classrooms? What I would have liked to see would have been some more examples of what people have built in appshed. If there was page on their site specific to this I missed it. Great job OER apps group.


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