Upcoming Election Speeches & Voting

Mark your calendars!

Candidate speeches for the MBAN Society Executive will be held:

  • Date:  Tuesday, September 26, 2017
  • Time:  Starting at 1:00pm (before BABS 506)
  • Location:  HA 343

Voting* will be administered by the Robert H. Lee Graduate School office on:

  • Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2017
  • Time: 12:00 pm
  • Location: HA 350 (immediately following BAIT 507)

*NOTE: You must be present to vote!

Election results will be announced by the end of day, September 27, 2017.

The list of candidates running for the MBAN Society Executive positions are as follows. This will also be the order in which the speeches will be presented. You will note that there is only 1 person running for VP Internal and VP Events. Their positions will be filled by automatic placement (no voting required), however, each candidate will make a speech on Tuesday regardless.

VP Internal
  • Tina Li
VP Events
  • Sahil Jain
VP Career Affairs
  • Piyush Batra
  • Dipin Goyal
  • Karina Tkach
VP International
  • Harsh Sharma
  • Kishi Zhou
  • Chen Chen
  • Srikanth Kumar

Questions? Please email askmban@sauder.ubc.ca.

Have a great weekend!


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