Let’s share this space!

Hello everyone,

The breakout rooms are an excellent resource and we would like to keep them equally available for students in all RHL Graduate School programs. As outlined in the Breakout Room Policies, you may only reserve a breakout room in advance for up to 4 hours and for group work purposes only.  If you recall booking a breakout room for more than 4 hours, please amend your booking time here to allow other groups to use the space.

Need additional spaces to study? The RHL office has booked a few extra spaces where you can study leading up to the P1 exam week.

See the full list of additional rooms available to you here. These spaces are also open to MBA and MM students studying for their exams.

There are also great study spots across the UBC campus if you’d like a change in environment.

Best of luck heading into the first exam season!


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