January is Sexual Assault Awareness Month at UBC

This month, it’s Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) at UBC, and I invite you to help share information about SAAM with your networks and communities.

Through this month-long series of events, everyone is encouraged to join the conversation that’s happening in the media, in our communities, and around the world. The goal of SAAM is to raise awareness and understanding about sexual assault and what we can do to help prevent it.

Below is a list of resources offered to you by UBC, including a media toolkit to help you take part in this important conversation.

Visit students.ubc.ca/saam to find:

  • Newsletter blurbs
  • Tweets and social media assets
  • Printable Denim Day stickers (January 17th)
  • Posters
  • Email signature

We also encourage you to participate in SAAM yourself. There are many ways to get involved and join the conversation:

  • Attend an event. View the full SAAM calendar to find out what’s happening.
  • Attend the highly anticipated SAAM keynote speech and reception with Farrah Khan.
  • Wear jeans or a Denim Day sticker on Denim Day, January 17th, to show your support for ending sexual assault on campus.

More information and resources on sexual assault can be found here.

For information on UBC’s updated Policy 131 “Sexual Assault and Other Sexual Misconduct” please click here.

Thank you for helping to create an inclusive and respectful culture at UBC.

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