5 Strategies for Self-Care

Hi everyone,

You have all been working tremendously hard in P3 and Elisabeth and I are continuing to root for you leading up to your final deliverables and exam for this Period. At the same time, we also hope you are able to take time to care for yourself in the midst of the stress. Noticing your needs and taking steps to meet them is crucial to balancing school and your personal well-being. Below are a few strategies I used as a UBC student to de-stress and relax.

1) Meditation. By taking 2 minutes to close my eyes and focus on my breath, I am able to re-focus on what I am doing and feel less overwhelmed.

2) Practicing gratitude. Focusing on the positive aspects of my life not only helps to improve my mood, but often gives me more motivation to keep pushing through assignments and projects.

3) Organizing/cleaning. As someone who is easily influenced by their surroundings, tidying the area I work in often helps to clear my mind and gives me an easily attainable goal.

4) Visit the UBC Wellness Centre to get student-tested tips for managing your time, sleeping better, and dealing with day-to-day stress.

5) Finally, get up and move! Do you know that UBC has many opportunities to exercise and/or join sports teams?

  • UBC REC offers a plenitude of sports from passive (yoga, Pilates, etc.) to vigorous (basketball, volleyball, spin cycling, etc.) at a variety of different times of day.
  •  Can’t commit because of scheduling conflicts?  How about dropping in to a class?
  •  Prefer to be in water? The brand-new UBC Aquatic Centre has classes galore!

Take a break and take a breath; you’ll be surprised how much it will help!

Cheering you on,


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