Career News | Week of Dec 7-14

Week of Dec. 7 – Dec. 14, 2017

Helpful Hints for December

Your well deserved winter break is quickly approaching. While it’s important to catch up on sleep and rest, we want to share a short checklist to continue developing your personal and professional development.

  • Review/edit your “Career Development Action Plan” (book a check-in meeting with the Career Centre in December or early January)
  • Work on your resume. Check out the myMBANCareers website or book an appointment with Nicole to chat. If you’ll be out of town, she’ll be available by phone or skype.
  • Connect:  Get out there and continue to have informational interviews.  If you have time to attend a networking event – enjoy!
  • Research: Use this time to research roles, companies, and industries to help with your targeted job search.
  • Apply! Find a job that excites you? Are you ready to apply? Great – let’s work together to present your best application and get you to interview stage.

Check in with Nicole if you need guidance or support along the way.

Informational Interview

So you know the importance of informational interviews, but are still unsure how to approach your networking?

Here are our Top 5 tips:

  1. Make a list of contacts and request an informational interview
  2. Research and Prepare (create a few guiding questions)
  3. Be respectful and grateful while conducting the interview
  4. Follow up with a thank you email or card
  5. Evaluate the informational interview and repeat

Click the image for 10 tips on “How to Network on LinkedIn”. Don’t forget to refer back to the October 16, 2017 class on “Networking and Informational Interviews” for more strategies.

Informational Interview

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Assessments are Coming!

Get excited as your EQ Assessments will be emailed next week. Take 10-15 minutes to fill out the assessment and book a coaching appointment with Nicole and Sara in January to go over the assessment details.

LinkedIn Alumni Tool

Use the Alumni Tool on LinkedIn to find alumni from the RHL Graduate School, compare their skills to your own and see where you might need to add up. Reach out to the alumni working in an industry or company you are interested in, for an insider’s perspective. A great way to get your foot in the door!

Click the image for tips on using the LinkedIn Alumni Tool.

Happy Holidays!

You’ve all worked extremely hard these past few months. We hope you have an enjoyable winter break. Do note that the Career Centre will be open until 1:00pm, December 22, 2017 and will reopen on January 2, 2018. Coaching appointments are still available in-person, skype, or phone from now until December 20th. Book an appointment on COOL or reach out to Nicole if you can’t find a suitable time.

Seasons Greetings from the Business Career Centre team!

Hari B. Varshney Business Career Centre
155 – 2053 Main Mall
UBC Sauder School of Business
Hours: 8:30am – 4:30pm, Monday – Friday

Contact Info:

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