Welcome to Your MBAN Journey

The Student Experience Team at the Robert H. Lee (RHL) Graduate School, Sauder School of Business is thrilled to welcome you to the UBC MBAN Program! In selecting the UBC MBAN, you will benefit from studying with an exceptional group of future business leaders and become part of a much larger international global alumni network.

This program site contains important content including some items that require action on your part. Please ensure that you read all sections of the site and familiarize yourself with the information provided.

Robert H. Lee Graduate School
Business Career Centre
Elisabeth Chin
Manager, MBAN
Robert H. Lee Graduate
T: 604-822-1598
Whitney Friesen
Manager, MBAN Careers
Hari B. Varshney Business Career Centre
T: 604-822-6559
Wincy Liu
Sr. Program Assistant,
Robert H. Lee Graduate School

T: 604-827-1546
Gerard Cowan
Coordinator, Specialty Master’s Programs
Hari B. Varshney Business Career Centre
Robert H. Lee Graduate School
Senior Leadership
Business Career Centre
Senior Leadership
Dharm Joshi
Director, Masters Programs
Robert H. Lee Graduate School
T: 604-822-2624
Pam Nanson
Associate Director, Careers,
Hari B. Varshney Business Career Centre
Teresa Pan
Assistant Dean,
Robert H. Lee Graduate School
T: 604-822-8243
Martina Valkovicova
Assistant Dean,
Hari B. Varshney Business Career Centre
T: 604-822-4968
Darren Dahl
Senior Associate Dean and Faculty Director,
Robert H. Lee Graduate School
T: 604-822-1890

It is important to stay connected throughout your MBAN journey as some communications will be time-sensitive.

Below are our key communication tools, some information on how they will be used and next steps you need to take to stay updated:


You are on Canvas right now! It will be a crucial to your learning experience, so be sure to bookmark http://www.canvas.ubc.ca for future use. Better yet, make it one of your browser’s homepages.

  • The MBAN Class of 2020 Program Site is where we will be posting important updates and reminders as the program progresses. It also contains general (not course-specific) information about your program. The RHL Office and the Business Career Centre will keep this site updated throughout the year.
  • Canvas sites for individual courses will appear on your Canvas “Dashboard” closer to the start date of each respective course. Readings and assignments will be managed through these individual course sites. *NOTE: not all instructors create Canvas sites for their courses. If you have any questions, contact the instructor directly. 

The 2020 MBAN Announcements is your primary source of program-related updates throughout the year. You can access them through the left-hand side menu under the heading “Announcements”. Think of it as your news feed  for the program. Please check the announcements frequently to stay up to date about schedule changes, career opportunities, and other helpful information.


The MBAN Class of 2020 Facebook group is a good way for you to stay in contact with your classmates. Students in the past have found it a convenient way to communicate with one another and post academic & social events.

Student Service Centre (SSC)

This is where you can view course registration, final grades and manage program tuition/fees. The SSC also contains your contact information. Please ensure your address, telephone & e-mail information is always up to date.


The RHL Office, instructors and other UBC offices will sometimes use email to communicate individual or urgent messages. Please be sure that you provide an email address that you check frequently on the SSC. 

If you have questions regarding your program, email is the most effective way of reaching us. You can use the general MBAN Student Experience team email address: askmban@sauder.ubc.ca or contact us individually (see “Key Program Staff” section on this page).