Break Escape Contest

Tired of the cold? Plan your getaway with Alumni UBC’s The Break Escape sweepstakes You could win two tickets to anywhere WestJet flies! Contest ends on Friday, January 19 so enter soon!

Career News | What’s Trending, #bestnine2017 & More coaching available

Week of Jan 4 – 11, 2018

How Job Searching is Changing in 2018

The way people recruit for roles is changing and at a rapid pace. As job seeker’s, you need to adapt and know what’s trending in 2018. HAYS published a recent article and summarizes top trends.

How will you adjust your approach to job searching?

Book an appointment with Nicole to discuss your strategy.




Every year I tick off what I accomplish in the previous year and set new goals and targets for the upcoming one. People have various rituals about goal setting and Vantage Point, Executive Director, Denise Baker (and former Associate Dean of the Career Centre) shares her own ritual.

Listen to Denise’s podcast as she shares her personal self-awareness journey. She highlights how she uncovered her strengths, motivations, values and has a deeper sense of self-awareness.

What do you do to each year to stay focused and set new goals? Email to share.



Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Assessments: More Coaching Available!

Thanks so those who’ve already come in to review your EQ Assessment and to those that will soon be coming in.

Thought we’d let you know that Nicole’s appointments are up until the end of February and Sara’s will be up next week.





UBC Rec: Free Classes Next Week

Wanting to try a new activity or meet new people? Check out
UBC Rec’s Free Week of Recreation Activities.

No registration is required – just show up!




Welcome Back and Happy First Week Back!

Hari B. Varshney Business Career Centre
155 – 2053 Main Mall
UBC Sauder School of Business
Hours: 8:30am – 4:30pm, Monday – Friday

Contact Info:

PMBA Residency and Extra Study Spaces

Hello all,

It was great seeing all of you at the Welcome Back event today! The very first Professional MBA program is officially launching on Saturday, January 6th. As such, the RHL breakout rooms (HA 122A-K) will be unavailable on the following dates:

  • Sunday, January 7th – Friday, January 12th from 5:00 – 10:30 PM
  • Saturday, January 13th from 7:00 AM – 4:30 PM

In order to accommodate this, we have booked alternative breakout rooms for you and the other RHL Graduate programs. Please see the schedule for alternative rooms here.

*You may also use these additional study spaces for the remainder of Period 3.

Have a great rest of your week!


APPlicable ways to rock the rest of your MBAN

With the start of the new year, here are some great apps to help you make the most out of the rest of your MBAN journey – and beyond. Bonus: these apps all have free plans!

Manage your time

Self-Reflect & Destress

Achieve #goals:

  • (iOS & Android) for small and big goal-setting. Users get positive reinforcement whenever they complete a goal, and can also join different challenges like drinking more water.
  • Looking for something more game-like? Try SuperBetter (iOS & Android), an app focused on building resilience in the face of tough obstacles.

Welcome Back!

Hello everyone,

Happy New Year! We hope you’ve had a restful and rejuvenating break. Are you ready for classes to start again? A reminder that they start tomorrow, Tuesday, January 2 at 8am in DL 125. You can refer to your Period 3 schedule here.

We are looking forward to connecting with you at the Welcome Back Event on Wednesday, January 3 at 4pm in the Henry Angus Penthouse (appetizers and drinks will be served).



Happy Holidays!!

Hello everyone,

YOU DID IT! The winter break is upon us and you can finally relax and unwind until the start of Period 3. We are proud of you for all of your hard work over the last few months and are looking forward to catching up at the Welcome Back Event on January 3rd!

If you are planning to come to the Henry Angus building over the break, please note that the building will be closed at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, December 22nd, 2017 and will reopen on Tuesday, January 2nd, 2018. Please be aware that the Sauder Exchange Café will remain closed until January 3rd.

On behalf of everyone at the RHL Graduate School and the Career Centre, we wish you a very Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

Career News | Week of Dec 7-14

Week of Dec. 7 – Dec. 14, 2017

Helpful Hints for December

Your well deserved winter break is quickly approaching. While it’s important to catch up on sleep and rest, we want to share a short checklist to continue developing your personal and professional development.

  • Review/edit your “Career Development Action Plan” (book a check-in meeting with the Career Centre in December or early January)
  • Work on your resume. Check out the myMBANCareers website or book an appointment with Nicole to chat. If you’ll be out of town, she’ll be available by phone or skype.
  • Connect:  Get out there and continue to have informational interviews.  If you have time to attend a networking event – enjoy!
  • Research: Use this time to research roles, companies, and industries to help with your targeted job search.
  • Apply! Find a job that excites you? Are you ready to apply? Great – let’s work together to present your best application and get you to interview stage.

Check in with Nicole if you need guidance or support along the way.

Informational Interview

So you know the importance of informational interviews, but are still unsure how to approach your networking?

Here are our Top 5 tips:

  1. Make a list of contacts and request an informational interview
  2. Research and Prepare (create a few guiding questions)
  3. Be respectful and grateful while conducting the interview
  4. Follow up with a thank you email or card
  5. Evaluate the informational interview and repeat

Click the image for 10 tips on “How to Network on LinkedIn”. Don’t forget to refer back to the October 16, 2017 class on “Networking and Informational Interviews” for more strategies.

Informational Interview

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Assessments are Coming!

Get excited as your EQ Assessments will be emailed next week. Take 10-15 minutes to fill out the assessment and book a coaching appointment with Nicole and Sara in January to go over the assessment details.

LinkedIn Alumni Tool

Use the Alumni Tool on LinkedIn to find alumni from the RHL Graduate School, compare their skills to your own and see where you might need to add up. Reach out to the alumni working in an industry or company you are interested in, for an insider’s perspective. A great way to get your foot in the door!

Click the image for tips on using the LinkedIn Alumni Tool.

Happy Holidays!

You’ve all worked extremely hard these past few months. We hope you have an enjoyable winter break. Do note that the Career Centre will be open until 1:00pm, December 22, 2017 and will reopen on January 2, 2018. Coaching appointments are still available in-person, skype, or phone from now until December 20th. Book an appointment on COOL or reach out to Nicole if you can’t find a suitable time.

Seasons Greetings from the Business Career Centre team!

Hari B. Varshney Business Career Centre
155 – 2053 Main Mall
UBC Sauder School of Business
Hours: 8:30am – 4:30pm, Monday – Friday

Contact Info:

Getting Ready for January

Hello everyone,

With only a couple of days of Leading Teams left until your well-deserved break, we’d like to highlight a couple of important notes about January.

Welcome Back Event: Looking to kickstart the year with everyone in the MBAN community? Please save the date for a Welcome Back Event with your class, staff, and faculty over drinks and appetizers. The event details are:

  • Wednesday, January 3, 2018
  • 4:00pm to 6:00pm
  • Henry Angus 9th floor Penthouse
  • No need to RSVP as we are anticipating all MBAN students to come celebrate the start of the year with us!

Period 3 Course Outlines: The course outlines for P3 are now posted on the RHL Current Students page for you to review before the start of classes on January 2nd, 2018.

All the best as you finish Leading Teams!


Reminder: Leading Teams Next Week

Hello everyone,

We really enjoyed catching up with many of you over cookies and hot chocolate/apple cider today after your BAMS 508 final exam and we hope the completion of your final two projects goes well this weekend. This is a friendly reminder that your one-week module for BAHR 516 – Leading Teams starts this Monday, December 4th at 9am in HA 350. The class runs until 1:30pm each day and you should be prepared to spend several hours each evening working in your teams. Sharka is looking forward to seeing all of you after the session you had with her during Opening Week. She will be sending you more information this weekend about the class and what to do to prepare.

Note that we will not be providing lunch next week, however you will have a 30 minute lunch break to grab some food.

Have a great weekend!


Career News | Giveaway Winners, Consider Toronto, LinkedIn Tips

Week of Nov. 30 – Dec. 7, 2017

Student Giveaway Winners!

Thanks to those who entered our MBAN/MM giveaway. Congratulations to the following winners who won a $25 Amazon gift card and Dale Carnegie book! Each student answered how they have professionally transformed over the last 2 periods. Their responses are below.

“In MBAN, I am also learning how to learn”– Sahil Jain, MBAN 2017/18

“Learn to be assertive and resilient.” – Chang He, MBAN 2017/18

“Over the last two periods, I believe I have developed a deeper understanding of my interests through help of Carly, courses, self reflection, and company info sessions“. -Raewyn Danvers, MM 2017/18

“Living alone and working towards growth, MM has helped me to deal with conflicts a lot better helping me understand that I don’t need to please everyone.”– Hasan Patel, MM 2017/18

Considering Toronto?

Exploring your career options? Hear from a recruiter at Labatt Breweries, Bianca Ciccarelli, on how moving to Toronto can positively affect your career.

“Toronto is a very exciting place to be when you begin your career! With so many corporate national offices– including Labatt’s, […] students and recent graduates benefit from the larger pool of jobs available to them and the exciting career paths these opportunities lead to […]. This will lead to quicker progression in your career, while also allowing you to live in a growing city!”- Bianca Ciccarelli, Western Canada People Manager, Labatt Breweries

Working Outside Vancouver

Enhance your LinkedIn profile

10 LinkedIn Tips for Students & New Grads

Think of LinkedIn as your resume that never sleeps. But a lot more. It’s your professional brand in the world. It’s the result you actually want up top when someone Googles you (which they will!).” – LinkedIn

Did you know LinkedIn has an entire University student resource section? Check out LinkedIn for 10 great tips to curate your profile further and make yourself visible in the working world.

Holiday Cheer!

Good Luck on your last exam tomorrow and remember to bring your lovely selves to HA 132 at 12:00pm this Friday, December 1 for a SURPRISE!

Hari B. Varshney Business Career Centre
155 – 2053 Main Mall
UBC Sauder School of Business
Hours: 8:30am – 4:30pm, Monday – Friday

Contact Info:


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